News Releases


What’s New at Knowledge Bureau?

About our weekly course news releases:

We are proud to share new courses offerings as we continuously develop cutting edge and immediately implementable courses for our busy students. That’s what makes a Knowledge Bureau education so relevant and unique. Need something specific that you don’t see here? Please let us know about it.

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RECESSION 2023: Almost 90% Of Your Clients Are Worried

The October Knowledge Bureau Report poll question asked: “Are your clients worried about a recession in 2023 and its effects on their financial status?”  Overwhelmingly, the answer was yes, at 87.25%. This means there is a tremendous opportunity to connect with your clients for year-end tax planning and help them stay on plan, with tax efficiency.  Advisors who participated from across Canada had these observations:     

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Cyber Security – Do You Understand the Risks?

Knowledge Bureau’s Privacy Principles in Business certificate course is designed to help business owners manage today’s critical privacy risks with key tools to implement best practices with the least disruptions.  Consider the amount of confidential personal information you are privy to in conducting business with your clients.  Do you understand the risks associated with holding and using this personal information?

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Financial Literacy Month:  Introducing the New CE Savvy™ Courses

This month is Financial Literacy Month in Canada.  “Financial literacy is defined as having the knowledge, skills and confidence to make responsible financial decisions,” says Evelyn Jacks, a member of the Federal Task Force on Financial Literacy. “It’s a critical life skill especially in these financially challenging times.” For these reasons, Knowledge Bureau is pleased to introduce a new series of short courses to help professionals and their clients untangle today’s complex financial issues:  the CE Savvy Biz Ed™ and CE Savvy PD™ courses. “

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