News Releases


What’s New at Knowledge Bureau?

About our weekly course news releases:

We are proud to share new courses offerings as we continuously develop cutting edge and immediately implementable courses for our busy students. That’s what makes a Knowledge Bureau education so relevant and unique. Need something specific that you don’t see here? Please let us know about it.

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The Best Client Conversation Starter: Tax Filing & Benefits Milestones for December and January

Here’s a proactive conversation starter with your clients this month: a tax filing and benefits milestones chart!  It’s a great way to ensure your clients can cash in on generous benefits from the government and a chance to remind your clients how important filing tax returns really can be. 

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With Almost $2 Trillion of New Wealth Coming – Are You Prepared?

“Global Wealth 2022: Standing Still Is Not an Option” from Boston Consulting Group (BCG) predicts that $80 trillion in new wealth will be created over the next five years, including almost $2 trillion in Canada to a total $9.4 trillion. Are you prepared for this transfer of wealth? Become an advisor for the future:  take a bold step and differentiate your practice by earning your RWM™ Designation.

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Great Choices for T1 Tax Training – The Virtual and In-Person CE Summits and More!

Knowledge Bureau is proud to offer two options for tax and financial advisors who want to shore up their T1 tax knowledge at Canada’s foremost T1 Advanced Tax Update!  Join us live and in person if you’re in the Toronto area on February 7, 2023 ( yes,  you can even go to a Toronto Raptor’s game that night!) or take the Virtual T1 Advanced Tax Update from the comfort of your home or office on January 18, 2023.  But we also have options if you need T1 Tax Training now for new or returning staff.

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The Largest Wealth Transfer in History – Many Will Transfer to Charities

Baby Boomers and Gen X are already in the process of transferring their wealth to Millennials and Gen Z. However, increasingly the solution to wealth transfer for singles will be to plan a donations strategy.  Consider these reasons individuals donate to charities:

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