We are proud to share new courses offerings as we continuously develop cutting edge and immediately implementable courses for our busy students. That’s what makes a Knowledge Bureau education so relevant and unique. Need something specific that you don’t see here? Please let us know about it.
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There is still time to register for DAC November 12-13 at the beautiful Banff Springs Hotel. Save Money - early registration ends September 30. The organizations and thought leaders that represent them at DAC 2023 will keep the insights rolling, and we give special thanks to Moodys Tax Law and Cadesky U.S. Tax for partnering with us. Now, just imagine being live and in person with renowned tax specialists Kim Moody and Dr. Dean Smith who will unwind tax complexity for you. But you’ll want to attend special ice breaker event open to all attendees for a few laughs first! Check out the educational content and all the fun networking events:
Looking for IIROC credits before year-end? Knowledge Bureau is pleased to have 3 professional CE options available to earn both PD and compliance credits before year end. Check out the RWM™ program (xx PD credits), the MFA-P™ (xxx credits) and the new Certificate Course, Navigating Privacy Issues (10 Compliance Credits). These outstanding programs are well reviewed (see below) and can be taken anytime, 24/7 online in the convenience of your home or office. Plus, save an additional $75 on tuition when you register by the next session intake date: October 15.
Advisors of the future need to focus on three things, at least if you ask three of our gold partners who will be speaking at DAC Acuity 2023. The keys to success are building transformative teams, finding the secrets to simplicity in complex planning, all the while understanding and balancing your lifeload. Sound like a lofty goal? Join us to hear from the thought leaders who will help break down these strategies November 12-14 in Banff. Early-bird registration ends September 30.
The early bird deadline is September 30. So there is plenty of time to register for The Distinguished Advisor Conference and save on tuition fees. But there is more great news! We’ve been able to negotiate another block of rooms at the Beautiful Banff Springs Hotel at the KB conference rate – you really can’t afford to miss that! And we’ve lined up some incredibly fun networking opportunities to complement the seriously great educational agenda. Check out all the activities and sign up soon through the DAC Interactive Agenda, as spaces are limited! Secure your place at the futurescape: the 20th Anniversary DAC conference!