News Releases


What’s New at Knowledge Bureau?

About our weekly course news releases:

We are proud to share new courses offerings as we continuously develop cutting edge and immediately implementable courses for our busy students. That’s what makes a Knowledge Bureau education so relevant and unique. Need something specific that you don’t see here? Please let us know about it.

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Looking for CE credits in 2023? Knowledge Bureau has World Class Financial Education for you

Did you know 2023 is an extremely important Milestone Year for CE/CPD Credits in the financial services industry? Knowledge Bureau designates need 15 CE Credits by June 30 to relicense; IIROC Cycle 9 ends on December 31, 2023 and Insurance Council licensing CE credits are due at various times throughout the year.  That’s why Knowledge Bureau is offering 5 new and exciting CE options to meet your professional development needs in 2023:

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Asset Management and The Price of Lettuce

The price of lettuce in Canada – up over 35% in a year – is still an eyebrow raiser, despite the easing of the inflation rate in January to 5.9%, according to Statistics Canada.  What does that have to do with Asset Management?  Simply that 2023 is proving to be a tough financial year and advisors need to up their game to manage the concerns of anxious taxpayers and investors who are tapping into portfolios to pay for inflation and recent interest rate hikes, and coming up soon – their tax bills.

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20th Anniversary Contests – Get Involved!

It’s been a fantastic two months here at Knowledge Bureau celebrating the big 2-0...our 20th anniversary! With so much on the horizon this year you will want to get involved! 

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The Future of Tax Preparation:  An Endless, Essential Service

It’s true: nothing is as certain as death, taxes and tax change!  That’s perhaps why almost 60% of Canadians get someone else to do their tax return, according the CRA.  Do you know what this sounds like to us? OPPORTUNITY! 

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