News Releases


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About our weekly course news releases:

We are proud to share new courses offerings as we continuously develop cutting edge and immediately implementable courses for our busy students. That’s what makes a Knowledge Bureau education so relevant and unique. Need something specific that you don’t see here? Please let us know about it.

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DAC Young Advisors Award Winner Announced

Knowledge Bureau is pleased to announce that Kristin Ramlal, B. Comm (Hons.), PFP, CIM, FCSI, Securities Specialist and Qtrade Advisor with Great-West Life and London Life, has been selected as the 2018 winner of the DAC Young Advisor Award. The award will be presented at the Opening Ceremonies of the Distinguished Advisor Conference (DAC) in Quebec City, November 11 - 14.

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New Gift Planning Designation for Advisors

The Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP), Knowledge Bureau and Spire Philanthropy are pleased to announce their collaboration to introduce a new professional designation for the financial services sector. The MFA™ Strategic Philanthropic Services Specialist designation will denote specialized professional credentials to develop plans for individuals and families interested in strategic philanthropy.

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Advisors, Make a Difference with Impact Investing

86 percent of Millennials* have an interest in socially responsible investing, and the majority say they would be twice as interested in investing in a stock or fund if it has social responsibility objectives. It’s a trend on the rise, and an important way advisors can make an impact with Millennials and other clients aiming to make a difference.

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Graduates in the News: Stefanie Keller, RWM™

“Knowledge Bureau is in the forefront of the industry. We must get that message out to the public; it is a game changer,” says Stefanie Keller, CEO of Stellar Wealth and Tax Solutions in Winnipeg.

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