News Releases


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About our weekly course news releases:

We are proud to share new courses offerings as we continuously develop cutting edge and immediately implementable courses for our busy students. That’s what makes a Knowledge Bureau education so relevant and unique. Need something specific that you don’t see here? Please let us know about it.

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Economic Resilience: 10 Issues to Discuss with clients

Does the Canadian economy have the resilience to compete through what is projected to be a prolonged economic downturn? Why does the answer matter so much? Because financial advisors, tax preparers, bookkeepers and others in the financial services are being challenged to bring new value to old roles.

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Who Will Inherit the Family Business?

Who will inherit the family business? What will it be worth when time for transition comes? Why is this issue so difficult to discuss? It’s important to engage your successful but soon-to-retire business owner clients in strategic planning now, especially if potential economic downturn is on the horizon.

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Tax Facts: Cross-Border Income Compliance

In an increasingly global economy, more and more Canadians find themselves vacationing, owning property, and earning income in the U.S. If your client has financial stakes across the border, it’s important to know the tax implications associated with them. This can include cross border contract work and owning and renting vacation properties.

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Tax: The Secret Ingredient to Resilience

Tax knowledge matters. It’s the hot value-add for anyone in the business of providing financial advice. Two new reports highlight why: the tax burden of the average Canadian is significant, and helping your clients understand key tax savings opportunities matters when implementing sound wealth management strategies today.

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