News Releases


What’s New at Knowledge Bureau?

About our weekly course news releases:

We are proud to share new courses offerings as we continuously develop cutting edge and immediately implementable courses for our busy students. That’s what makes a Knowledge Bureau education so relevant and unique. Need something specific that you don’t see here? Please let us know about it.

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Commission Salespeople: Fill Knowledge Gaps on The Tax Consequences

Are you in the dark about tax rules for employed and self-employed taxpayers?  Shore up your knowledge base now with two new short courses from Knowledge Bureau in the new Knowledge Gap Series. Here’s what you’ll learn online (that means in the comfort of home, office, cottage or beach), and the price is right, too.

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Educational Calendar: Important 2020 Tax, Financial and Educational Events

Mark your calendar: there are some important dates coming up for those with an interest in tax and financial planning, including some exciting new educational opportunities with Knowledge Bureau. 

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