When it comes to enhancing and updating your skills, there is never a downside to a refresher. That’s what Diane Elliott, who is four courses into her Distinguished Financial Advisor (DFA) – Tax Services Specialist, strongly believes.
“After being in business for more than 15 years, I decided that a refresher course would be a good idea,” Elliott said. “Plus, the original course I took through Jacks Institute was prior to being able to get credit towards my designation. I felt it would be good to include this in the six course line-up.”
Recently completing Knowledge Bureau’s T1 Professional Tax Preparation – Basic, a course recently updated to the 2014 Federal Budget, Elliott states the course was thought provoking.
“Each course in the Knowledge Bureau selection offers many useful and thought-provoking scenarios. Even though I felt very familiar with the subject, there were a few areas that I had not dealt with recently for clients so by taking this course I added to the general knowledge to better assist clients.”
Elliott said the T1 Professional Tax Preparation – Basic is a great course to refresh for experienced tax preparers or as a starter course for new practitioners.
“I find that with a client right in front of me, my helping skills kick into place and I very rarely miss an eligible tax savings idea. Doing the case studies, that personal attachment is not there and I don't always include all possible tax saving steps. Not certain how to improve this, but just an observation I have made for myself.”