Learn More About Retirement Income Layering & Portfolio Risk Management

As your clients enter the 2nd half of their retirement years, there are many significant issues that begin to emerge such as illness, cost of care and loss of capacity for key decision makers. Without careful planning, years of effective decision making can be easily undone through increased costs of care and potentially increased costs of taxation.

Douglas Nelson Comm.(hons), CFP, CLU, CIM, MFA™, RWM™, President of Nelson Financial Consultants will address these very important planning issues so that the final “transition” of wealth to the next generation is done in such as way as to fully realize the goals of Real Wealth Management.

In his session on Retirement Income Layering and Portfolio Risk Management, Doug will discuss:

  • The key levels on the tax return that we always need to be mindful of.
  • Creating benchmarks to measure against:planning for an ideal income strategy.
  • How your client’s income and tax picture will change when in care, and how understanding these key levels creates new pro-active planning opportunities.
  • How your client’s income and tax picture will change when one spouse passes away, and how understanding these key levels creates new pro-active planning opportunities.
  • How and when you draw income from different areas of the portfolio (RRIF, TFSA, Non-Registered, Corporate Portfolio).
  • The importance of buffer income and buffer capital and a health care spending reserve in retirement.
  • How, when and why would you begin to transition assets to the next generation.
  • Building towards the ultimate final transition plan.

At Knowledge Bureau’s May CE Summit, taking place May 20th, you will hear from Doug along with other Financial Experts as they provide you with the most recent updates on Retirement and Income Planning. Register to learn:

  • What your client’s future income scenarios may look like, in any number of different situations:  when in care, when one spouse has passed away, and when transitioning assets to the next generation.
  • How you might use this information to proactively make better decisions today with your clients.
  • You will learn how to best prepare your client, and their family, for these next stages of life.

Enrol now for the May 20 Virtual CE Summits so that you can provide your clients with the best information to make informed decisions for today and tomorrow.