If you are working as a professional in the tax, bookkeeping or financial services, it is critical to know the upcoming federal budget changes and their effect on personal, corporate and cross border planning in 2017, 2018 and beyond.
These issues will be covered at the Distinguished Advisor Workshops (DAW) being held in May 29 to June 6 in six cities across Canada. Seating is limited but early reservations are now accepted until May 15. Please mark your calendar today and join us in a city near you:
“In this unpredictable year in the global economy and financial markets, it’s critical to update on the newest strategies for investment, retirement, estate and cross-border planning in light of the most recent federal budget. This workshop will provide the detailed analysis to help you better understand the implications of new provisions and add more value sooner to your client relationships,” says Evelyn Jacks, President of Knowledge Bureau and host of the workshops. “We are also pleased to travel with Mr. Dean Smith, partner with Cadesky Tax this spring, to help advisors better understand US-Canada tax matters – a big issue in compliance for many clients.”
Don’t miss this important day in your professional development. Meet the top Canadian experts who will answer your questions. Network with an outstanding professional peer group, too. This is what some of our attendees think about the workshops and the networking opportunity:
“Knowledge Bureau is by far the most comprehensive training program and resource support available” says Diane Colton from Calgary AB, while Joey LeBlanc from Rocky Mountain House, AB states “Absolutely, the info gained at the Knowledge Bureau workshops is unmatched.”
Click here to check out our cutting-edge agenda. Please come back often as new speakers and topics will be added. To register call 1-866-953-4769 or click here.
Distinguished Advisor Workshop is delivered with three components: pre-reading, in-class session, and a post-session online course component at a special price, only for DAW attendees. Participants will earn a beautiful certificate and 10 CE Credits as described below.