Prepare to Deliver Collective Re-Assurance During Uncertain Times

Learn the skills to develop strategies for accumulation, growth, preservation and transition of sustainable wealth.

The RWM™ leads a multi-disciplinary advisory team with a deeper Know Your Client process. It begins with a multi-generational approach, a systematic holistic analysis of tax-efficient net worth and objective-based advice. Register by March 30 to save $250 off regular tuition with code RWM15, and check out the recording from the live-virtual Meeting of the Minds session to learn more!

Who Should Take the RWM™ Program?

Advisors who truly want to offer a new value proposition and build strong, inter-generational, multi-advisory relationships throughout personal and financial lifecycles, will want to use a new approach: Real Wealth Management.

“In my opinion, Knowledge Bureau’s programs are the best and deliver the most valuable content. It is not just another designation.

It is a community and a culture.”

-Stefanie Keller, CFP, RWM™, FDFS™

The Real Wealth Management Framework:

Take a multi-stakeholder approach to Real Wealth Management: a long-term, multi-generational strategy, designed to keep all stakeholders on the same page under one holistic and unified plan.

The RWM™- Real Wealth Manager™ - orchestrates the client’s unique plan by leading a team of financial professionals required to accomplish the client’s goals, through direct communication and partnership with the family’s delegated Chief Financial Influencer (CFI). The CFI who acts on behalf of the household unit with the common goal of wealth accumulation, growth, preservation, and transition - with sustainability after taxes, fees and inflation.

How to Connect, Contribute and Collaborate as an RWM™

You may already be aware of the benefits of working in a multi-stakeholder environment with clients and other professionals. Now, formalize your process and your credentials with the RWM™ Designation and connect and collaborate with a vibrant national network of like-minded professionals. Please join us by:

  1. Becoming an RWM™ - Complete the RWM™ Designation Program
  2. Becoming a Member of the Society – all undergraduates and graduates of the RWM program gain access to exclusive benefits, including listing on the Directory for graduates, and access to the Tax Tip Toolkit which includes your RWM™ Discovery Calculators.  Check out the recording from our latest Meeting of the Minds to learn more.

“Being a Real Wealth Manager™ and belonging to the Society of RWM™ allows me to work with like minded professionals to continue to help our clients have the best possible tools available to them to improve their overall goals and aspirations for their own wealth and their family’s wealth.” - Theresa Wever, MFA™, CFP, EPC, RWM™, Branch manager & Financial Advisor, Wever Financial