DAC Acuity 2022: Tax Planning & Compliance – The Tax Quagmire for Ex-Pats

Annual dinner and announcement of 2022 Designates and Graduates with Dr. Dean Smith on Sunday Oct 16 at DAC Acuity 2022, plus a session on Monday led by Dr. Smith covering tax planning and compliance with a focus on ex-pats.

Dr. Smith is the President of Cadesky Tax. He has been involved with expatriate tax work for over 23 years assisting companies moving employees around the world.  

He recognizes how essential this topic is for tax and financial advisors. Client’s returning to Canada as an expat can have complicated tax consequences that reach back to a client’s tax history before departure.

Dr. Smith will illustrate how to provide confident commentary to questions your clients may have about their children or parents returning to Canada after extended periods of non-residency.

Checkout the Detailed Agenda for more details on the sessions and the speakers! The conference, Velocity: How to Gain Momentum in a New Economy, takes place October 16-18 in Niagara Falls. Follow along on social media with the hashtag #DACAcuity2022.

Other highlights include: 

  • Lunch and wine tasting at The Bench and Italian Extravaganza at Food Network’s Massimo Capra’s Restaurant (optional events on Saturday, October 15. Sign up required and extra charges apply)
  • Designated Specialist Wine and Cheese Reception
  • Welcome Reception & Graduate Recognition Celebration
  • The Martini-Vent
  • Monster Mash Halloween Bash
  • Mimosa Break: A Taste of Niagara
  • Healthy Inspiration Breakfast

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