The technical side of payroll, if done incorrectly, can cost the employer or the employee money, not to mention incurring penalties with the Canada Revenue Agency.
Advanced Payroll will help you become a more astute compliance manager to ensure payroll is more than simply accurate. It will also allow you to assist your client to be shrewd in negotiating employment contracts to the after-tax benefits of the employees of the firm, which could include family members.
It should go without saying that bookkeepers must be able to produce an accurate payroll on time, every time. However, this course takes the student further, teaching completion of a full payroll cycle, TD1/T1213 form completion, accounting for statutory and non-statutory deductions, taxable and non-taxable perks and benefits, T4 slip preparation, for any business within Simply Accounting.
The student will be able to produce a payroll run for any payroll period, for a payroll of any level of complexity and understand and calculate all employer remittances for deductions taken at source, while fully understanding the consequences of non-compliance.
Specifically the student will:
Get on your designation path – become a Distinguished Financial Advisor (DFA) – Bookkeeping Service Specialist today, and start with Advanced Payroll.
For more information about Advanced Payroll, click here.