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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 115 votes
No: 23 votes

Cast Your Vote

COVID-19 Benefit Audits: CERB Recipients May Face Severe Consequences

In order to get pandemic relief benefits in the hands of Canadians quickly, the government (through ESDC and CRA) issued relief benefits to anyone who applied and indicated that they met the criteria for entitlement to the benefits. ESDC and CRA are now following up to ensure that those who were not entitled to the benefits repay them, and it is causing worry.  Tax and financial advisors can help.

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CRA Wage Subsidy Error:  Businesses May Have Missed Filing for Benefits

CRA has made a mistake on its calculations regarding eligibility for the Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program (THRP), and as a result, has added modifications to its website .  Be sure your clients who may have missed filed for support, or were previously under the impression they did not qualify, are apprised of the full list of eligible businesses, which appears below:

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Assessing Risk Tolerance: Veni, Vidi, Meas Pagellas Recensui

Assessing risk tolerance and portfolio suitability is one of the most important roles of a portfolio manager.  There are many factors that play into risk tolerance: net worth, time horizon, experience, and comfort with volatility to name a few.

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Postpone the Tax Deadline? The Vote is in!

It was close, in fact, a dead heat throughout the month as tax and financial professionals across Canada weighed in on the question “Should the tax filing deadline be extended for all taxpayers to June 15?” And the conclusion is a 50/50 split! Here are some of the reasons from those who participated in one of our most divisive poll questions to date.

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DAC 2022: The Speed of Tax Change

Join Kim G.C. Moody, FCPA, FCA, TEP will be taking the live stage at DAC Acuity 2022 to discuss The Speed of Tax Change and what it means for financial professionals and their clients.  In his entertaining style, Kim will discuss the  very complex and pervasive changes that continue be proposed at mach speed.  How do you keep up-to-date to ensure your practice responds appropriately for the benefit of clients?  This session will give straight-forward suggestions to help you navigate this important topic.

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