Knowledge Bureau Report

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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 114 votes
No: 23 votes

Cast Your Vote

Evelyn Jacks: Scary – Financial Literacy at CRA

It’s Halloween week and Financial Literacy Month is just around the corner, right after the ghosts and goblins visit. Just in time too, because it turns out it’s not just your imagination: communications from CRA are somewhat ghoulish.

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Strategic Thinking: Learn Succession Planning, Then Take Your Clients to Attorney School

Is succession planning an emerging issue for you and your clients? Are heirs properly prepared to become responsible and confident Powers of Attorney and Executors?

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Business Transition Audits at DAW November

Tax and financial advisors won’t want to miss the Distinguished Advisor Workshops November 3-6 in Winnipeg, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver respectively, when year end planning and business owner-manager transition is discussed in depth. 

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Evelyn Jacks: Ancient Tax Law Important in Family Cottage Succession

Tax and financial advisors should make an effort to review their clients adjusted cost base records as part of the annual Year-End Tax Planning routines now 'til the end of the year, especially if the family owns a taxable cottage property. 

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Think With Us About Business Succession Planning

Learn how to expertly advise business owners about year-end tax planning and the best way to manage after-tax family income and the investment in the family business to meet future goals at the Year-End and Business Succession Planning Bootcamp this November.

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