Knowledge Bureau Report

Real Tax News Podcast View Poll

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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

March 2025 Poll

In your view, has CRA improved its services to clients and tax preparers this year?
Yes: 1 votes
No: 51 votes

Cast Your Vote

Advisors’ Approach to Retirement Planning – What’s New?

The world has changed dramatically over the last couple of decades—and that requires that tax and financial advisors adapt their strategies for pre-retirees. Recognizing the current economic and societal changes drivers, it appears that  debt management, and debt reduction strategies at various life stages, require more attention. This will be a key planning theme at Knowledge Bureau’s upcoming CE Summits.

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The Pot Factor:  Authenticity Matters in Insurance Planning

The legalization of Marijuana is coming  in time for Canada’s next birthday party, reflecting new government priorities, and unique societal trends.  This indeed will impact the work tax and financial advisors do. Your clients may or may not want to talk to you about this.  Yet, insurance and financial advisors need to understand the financial implications of this major change in Canada.  This year’s Distinguished Advisor Conference will help prepare for the issues you need to discuss in a world filled with disruption — including the legalization of marijuana.

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Greatness in Leadership on the Executive Business Builders Network

As Shakespeare said in Twelfth Night, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” In establishing your new value proposition and leadership challenges in a growing business climate, which of these applies to your great potential?

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Addressing Unfair Tax Changes, Morneau Makes a Second Attempt at Tax Reform

The Finance Department backtracked on a few of their controversial tax reforms for private corporations this week, adding a tax cut of $2.9 Billion over the next five years to douse the flames of discontent. However, family businesses will continue to face tax risk and uncertainty due to a “reasonableness” test – albeit a simplified one – that will limit income sprinkling to contributors of labor, risk or capital in the business.

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It’s Official:  Government Is Moving Ahead with Tax on Passive Income

Finance Minister Morneau today announced that his department will move forward with their goal to tax passive investment income earned within private corporations.  What’s becomes apparent from the minimal details released, is that not much has changed in the government’s intentions, since the measures were first floated on July 18, 2017.

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