Knowledge Bureau Report

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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 131 votes
No: 25 votes

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Education: The Secret to Joining the Millionaires’ Club

Global wealth is on the rise. Over the past decade, it’s increased by 27 percent*; and estimates show that by 2022, global median wealth will grow to $341 trillion USD, with the number of millionaires worldwide totaling 44 million,** a 22 percent increase from today. Remaining in the market since the financial crisis ten years ago has been prosperous for many investors – but how can average Canadians join the growing millionaires’ club?

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Graduates in the News: Wayne Blackmere

“When a company invests in employee training and development, employees feel valued and appreciated. I am thrilled to offer extra learning opportunities to my employees through the Knowledge Bureau,” says Wayne Blackmere, DFA - Tax Services Specialist and Liberty Tax Franchise Owner.

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Year-End Tax Tip: Brush Up on Medical Expenses

Claiming medical expenses can be painful for most taxpayers: there are so many receipts and tiny numbers involved. But it can be worthwhile, especially if you schedule your dental and medical treatments in a tax-savvy manner before year-end.

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Women Make Strides in Financial Services

The financial services industry has traditionally been male dominated, but a shift has started to occur, with more emphasis placed upon supporting female growth in this field. Also important, is a new Statistics Canada Report which notes that women-owned service industry businesses are experiencing higher growth rates than those owned by men, which bodes well for female leaders in the tax and financial services.

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Tax Relief for Armed Forces: Were Claims Filed Correctly?

Members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) received $85 Million in extra tax relief in the 2017 tax year, but some may have missed the opportunity when filing. As part of year-end tax planning communications, professionals working with CAF clients may wish to revisit any recent claims for the deductions available to police and Canadian Forces personnel.

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