A thorough analysis of today’s financial news—delivered weekly to your inbox or via social media. As part of Knowledge Bureau’s interactive network, the Report covers current issues on the tax and financial services landscape and provides a wide range of professional benefits, including access to peer-to-peer blogs, opinion polls, online lessons, and vital industry information from Canada’s only multi-disciplinary financial educator.
In an increasingly global economy, more and more Canadians find themselves vacationing, owning property, and earning income in the U.S. If your client has financial stakes across the border, it’s important to know the tax implications associated with them. This can include cross border contract work and owning and renting vacation properties.
Don’t miss the opportunity to both plan with your high net worth clients, and weigh in with Finance Canada on two important tax changes proposed in the 2019 Federal Budget. The proposals impact employee stock options and annuities. To provide your views diarize the following deadlines and ensure you act soon: September 16 in the case of Employee Stock Option Plans and October 7 for the new annuity options.
Freedom 55 for Boomers? Unfortunately not. Canada’s average age of retirement is on the rise. The average age across all retirees in Canada was 63.8, rising steadily from 63 years of age in 2014, according Statistics Canada*. Who is working longer – employed or self-employed people? The trends are interesting and speak to the need for proactive planning.
Will the current income inclusion rate of 50% for capital gains be increased to 75% after the next federal election? It’s an idea that’s been floated by at least one of the parties and a bad one at that, says the vast majority of KBR July poll respondents. Many are especially concerned about a lack of fairness, and a dire impact on the Canadian economy, and they had plenty to say about that.
Tax knowledge matters. It’s the hot value-add for anyone in the business of providing financial advice. Two new reports highlight why: the tax burden of the average Canadian is significant, and helping your clients understand key tax savings opportunities matters when implementing sound wealth management strategies today.