A thorough analysis of today’s financial news—delivered weekly to your inbox or via social media. As part of Knowledge Bureau’s interactive network, the Report covers current issues on the tax and financial services landscape and provides a wide range of professional benefits, including access to peer-to-peer blogs, opinion polls, online lessons, and vital industry information from Canada’s only multi-disciplinary financial educator.
Happy New Year! What better way to start the new year than with a new contest for you, our readers. We have extended the deadline for you to enter it! As we look forward to sharing knowledge with you in 2020 and beyond, please accept our GRADitude for your loyal readership! All Knowledge Bureau readers who have graduated from an online program as a designate in 2019 or by January 30, 2020 can enter our draw to win one free enrolment to DAC Acuity 2020 in Niagara Falls this October.
Lorne recently completed the new MFA-P™, Philanthropy Designation and we caught up with him to ask him more about his experience, what his thoughts are on the course, and why he decided to pursue his MFA-P™, Philanthropy Designation.
In Monday’s Fall Economic Report, the Finance Minister set the stage for the performance of the Canadian economy and how the new fiscal projections in the document may impact your pocketbook and your retirement savings. There is some good news in the numbers, but as Canada prepares for a potential global economic downturn in 2020, there are some storm clouds on the horizon, too. Most significant, Canada’s accumulated federal debt is expected to hit new heights: $810 billion by 2025.
Legislation proposed on December 9 will increase the Basic Personal Amount (BPA), the maximum Spousal Amount claim, and the maximum claim for an eligible dependant. How much are these claims worth to you? We reveal the real dollar values here today.
Did you calculate whether a December 15 instalment remittance was required to top up tax pre-payments for the 2019 tax year? At this busy pre-Christmas time, it is easy to miss. For these reasons, it is so important to plan your charitable donations now and make them before year-end. They could help you reduce the amount you will owe. The big issue: the interest costs you may have to pay in the spring if you are deficient. Here is what you have to know.