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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 115 votes
No: 23 votes

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The End of 2019 Tax Filing is in Sight; So Are Tax Liabilities

The extended September 30 filing deadline hasn’t arrived yet. But, according to the most recent processing statistics from the CRA, there are still 2019 returns outstanding.  And, with this unusual tax season soon to be behind us, top-of-class tax and financial advisors must start immediately to help Canadians manage tax debts, maximize remaining social benefit payments and plan to reduce taxes payable in 2020. It’s a tall order.

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US Citizens in Canada Receive Tax Free COVID Payment

U.S. tax filers, including American Citizens living in Canada, will have received Economic Income Payments (EIP) based on income levels reported on their 2018 and 2019 tax returns filed in the U.S. Now CRA has confirmed in a technical bulletin issued August 31 that there is more good news:  the payments will not be taxable to residents in Canada.

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CSA Announces Ban on Trailing Commissions for OEO Dealers

According to a news release from the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA), final rules were adopted to ban the payment of trailing commissions by fund organizations, such as order-execution only (OEO) dealers who don’t make investment suitability determinations.

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How Can You Help Canadians Recover from Financial Fallout?

The true financial test on how well Canadians will weather the financial storm brought on by the pandemic will occur in the months to come. A glimpse into that future is well described in a June 2020 report from the Bank of Canada. It suggests three catalysts, working together, that can lead to successful financial recovery:  

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Year-End Tax Tip: Time to Buy a New Car?

Should you buy a new car before year end to reduce your 2020 taxes?  It’s a good question especially because lucrative new tax rules were put into place for the write-off of most capital assets* on November 21, 2018.  Taxpayers can in fact, triple up on the usual first-year tax deductions when they acquire assets in the period between November 20, 2018, and December 31, 2023, and put them into use before 2028.  

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