Last updated: September 16 2008
The Knowledge Bureau is pleased to introduce E-Z Data, makers of "Smart Office", as a new sponsor of Breaking Tax and Investment News.
E-Z data has been serving the financial services industry for more than two decades in the areas of client relationship management and practice management solutions for IDA, MFDA, insurance and bank advisors, agencies and wholesalers in Canada.
Smart Office offers advisors a bilingual, web-based practice management platform to address the challenges of relationship management and aggregation of client information ñ including investments and policies tracking with compliance notes and documents ñ to help build and maintain profitable client relationships.
Jim Graddon, General Manager of Canadian Operations, says "The company is committed to delivering solutions that drive the continued success of financial advisors and institutions through more effective practice and agency management. E-Z Data solutions are built to help improve marketing efforts, provide valuable reporting capabilities that drive better business decisions and create a client-centric environment that helps users get, keep and grow enduring and mutually profitable client relationships."
Click on the E-Z Data logo on the top right of this page to go directly to the company website, and watch for it weekly, as well as upcoming articles in Breaking Tax and Investment News from Jim on advisor practice management topics related to business practices and technology.
You may also contact Jim at 905-257-5212, ext. 7350.