July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that's fair?

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?


I have 2 clients who were victims of identity theft.  They are now being asked to pay back the money they did not get, the thieves got it.  And the money they did pay back but not till 2023, they are not being allowed to deduct it from the year it was received because the payback was delayed due to slowness of CRA investigation of the theft.  The deduction is no use to them in 2023, they are back to income being lower than deductions.

By Virginia Hoover on July 13, 2024

I think this is a slap in the face at a time when tax payers are suffering. They should have done better at qualifying people based on even their 2018 tax return if they did not have 2019 then as some sort of starting point. For sure some did not qualify. I myself was unemployed the first time in my adult life and received one payment before EI kicked in and they came back 2 years later saying I owed. As much taxes as I have paid and contributed so others can sit on their ass I thought it was a slap in the face for one payment. Now they are going after former students who were just getting into the work world during a pandemic and now asking for proof of documents 4 years later, they would not have kept those records. I find it surprising we can promise millions to billions to fight someone else battle but at the same time put your own country’s residents into debt, bankruptcy or worse. Supporting other allies is great but take care of your own first.

By Keba Mills on July 11, 2024

I don’t think its fair to have legal proceedings for all, plus court system is already backed up 3-4 years.  From my own experience I was a server in a home in Bobcaygeon at the height of covid, and due to major outbreak in Bobcaygeon at a different home, due to what was considered close contact then I was taken off work for 2 weeks and this was just at the switch over of EI that noone stated, so applied for EI and now CRA is collecting for an EI overpayment and neither goverment agency can tell me why or when I was overpaid.  I also have a client who was dinged for over $20,000 and based on their own (current) rules of qualifications he was entitled, documents have been submitted for proof 3 times now and its been 3 months since last submission and no one has been assigned to look at the case.

CRA doesn’t give us taxpayers our credits if we wait to file our returns after 4 years.  How are we to trust them to if they start gauging more Canadians with legal fees and additional penalties/interest.  Based on their mistake so they could sit at home and hide from their decisions, while Canadians had to change our lives almost daily for this bug.  Plus we can take CRA or goverment to court for their wrong doings.

By Kim on July 11, 2024

I believe CRA should recover all CERB benefits paid to taxpayers that did not qualify!

By Ann Kinzel on July 10, 2024

The current situation is partly due to lack of proper vetting of recipients in the first place.
The recipients should not be asked to pay back any money when the government is handing out billions to foreign governments.

By Randolph Edmead on July 10, 2024

Yes, those that received that were not eligible should pay back; however there are some clients I have been assisting that legitimately were eligible (SE income over 5,000), but it is difficult to prove to CRA, have sent documents, but they will not reply what is not acceptable to them, and there is no one to talk to to appeal; And there is one that did not receive the CERB for four weeks, but CRA states he did, have sent docs to prove, but impossible to talk to someone to appeal; these are the frustrating situations.

By Anni Markmann on July 10, 2024

yes i think it should be paid back.  even from people on Social Assistance.  as there are people such as my self working and living below the poverty line to support the people on social assistance many of whom can work and choose not too (i know quite a few like this).  They should not get a free ride on this as they get enough free stuff from the government.  If they do not pay it back then the rest of us who are barely getting getting by as well and are working will have to pay it back - how is that fare.  They should also be dinged on their welfare for getting money they did not report.  So pay back welfare as well.  Welfare usually does that at $60 per month.

It is about time the people who are committing fraud and getting paid for doing nothing have to be accountable for their actions.  I am tired of these people getting a free ride.  I have neghbors like that they have 4 kids one on the way so collecting over $2000 in child tax and they are on welfare and have no intention of getting jobs they are in their late 20’s

By Robbyn on July 10, 2024

Absolutely!  Say so much abuse of this during COVID it should be collected back

By Alan Rowell on July 08, 2024

Absolutely, those who did not qualify for any of the pandemic benefits should pay back.  The government should enforce it sooner.

By Maria Cheng on July 07, 2024

It seems to be kind of late for this.  On the other hand, those who knowingly took CERB that did not qualify should pay it back if they are able.  One of the drawbacks is that the information on what qualified changed frequently (sometimes weekly) and people were confused.  Some, I know, did not receive anything but the CRA is wanting them to “pay back” this fictitious amount owing.  It is a total gongshow.  I know we cannot expect the federal government to do all things perfectly but this was one of the worst fiascos in history.  And they go after the little guy and not the wealthier who did not need a bailout.

By Robert on July 05, 2024

If you have a client that late files hst reports or tax returns with money owing to them more than 4 years ago, CRA denies the refund so the legit unemployed now that its 4 years later should do the same.  We can guarantee that the CRA employees getting Cerb while working from home arent being harassed!!!!.

The government freely handed out our money and changed requirements numerous times, yes it would be great to recoup our loss. Tax law/rules needs to loose the large grey areas

By Kim on July 05, 2024

Its about time that the government is getting our money back

By Joe Carpenter on July 05, 2024

There were many people that took advantage of CERB that did not qualify - some of those include ODSP, unemployment, Social Assistance.  It is unfortunate that the government wasn’t smart enough to flag these people when setting up the payments.  Now I am not sure how they will go about getting the funds from these people when they barely have enough to survive on now but they should be obligated to pay it back like everyone else.

By Tammy Machan on July 05, 2024

Mortgage rates rising , inflation, cost for groceries, rent everything went up. Now government wants money back ?

By Margaret Kania on July 05, 2024