Last updated: March 26 2008

Farewell and Best of Luck Andrew!

Andrew Brash Update

Andrew Brash, Knowledge Bureau Faculty member, began the first leg of his journey back to the summit of Mt. Everest Tuesday when he boarded a plane in Calgary. Andrew's return follows aprevious triumphant defeat and display of personal heroism and human compassion: the saving of fellow mountaineer Lincoln Hall, who was left for dead 200 meters from the summit.

Despite unrest in Tibet over Chinese rule and the potential "closing of the mountain" to take the Olympic torch to the top, Andrew still has high hopes to complete his "unfinished business". There is always the Nepalese side available to climb if the Tibetan side is unavailable.

We will be featuring an ongoing update on his dangerous return to climb Mt. Everestas part of Breaking Tax and Investment News. We will also be linking you to Andrew's website for live updates from the expedition. Join us as we journey to the top of the world with Canadian Hero, Andrew Brash!

Bookmark and stay tuned for updates!