Last updated: March 05 2025
Geoff Currier
On March 3, 2025 CRA issued an update on the confusing trust filing requirements for tax year 2024. What’s important to know is that when filing of the T3 return, and the T3SCH15 Beneficial Ownership Information of a Trust form is required, the deadline is coming up soon: March 31, 2025.
That’s also the day any taxes owing are due. Following are other need-to-know facts:
Which trusts require enhanced reporting in 2024? This is broken down into two criteria; the first criteria depends on residency. A trust that is resident in Canada (including a trust deemed resident in Canada), must file a T3 Return annually, if it:
For all other trusts – resident, deemed resident, non-resident and listed trusts, defined below, a T3 Return is required to be filed for taxation years in which the trust has tax payable. This includes a trust that, as per CRA:
Trusts that don’t require filing. Certain trusts, including listed trusts and bare trusts, will not require filing in certain situations.
Obtaining a Trust Account Number. Except for listed trusts, every trust must file a T3 return and Schedule 15. This also means that every trust must have a trust account number. Obtaining one is relatively easy, it can be done online and it is instant after the completion of an application form. The type of information requested includes:
Trusts with a capital disposition. It’s worth noting that the capital gains inclusion rate increases, proposed for June 25, 2024, have been postponed to January 1, 2026, assuming that those proposals will be passed into law, which they are not at the time of this writing. The rules were to have affected capital gains earned by trusts without access to the $250,000 threshold. In the meantime, however, all capital gains realized before January 1, 2026 will be subject to the currently enacted inclusion rate of one-half, unless an exemption applies.
But you will note that the forms will continue to refer to Period 1 (pre June 25, 2024) and Period 2 (June 25 forward). That’s to ensure alignment with the Tslips that were already published prior to the movement of the implementation date of the proposed capital gains tax changes and to administer the increase to the Lifetime capital gains exemption to $1.25 Million. That provision, which survived the postponement of the proposals, starts with capital dispositions of qualified farm or fishing property and qualified small business corporation shares, in Period 2.
The Tax Forms to Check Out. The T3 return and T4013 T3 Trust Guide for the 2024 tax year are now online. The Schedule 15 can also be viewed and downloaded. CRA notes that it will soon be updating its trust reporting requirements frequently asked questions.
Bottom Line. Like many provisions in the 2024 tax filing year, it will pay to slow down and review the filing and penalty rules for all T1, T2 and T3 returns, given the upheaval in reporting proposals and postponed legislation that occurred in 2024 and early 2025.
Next time: What is a Listed Trust, a Bare Trust and the Penalty provisions for non-compliance.
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