RSVP Now - DAC in Montreal Nov 10-12 - Save Up to 20% on Tuition Until Sept. 30!
It’s the last chance to save on early bird rates for the most important multi-advisory conference in the tax and financial services. “We invite you to connect with 19 of Canada’s brightest and most accomplished thought leaders and in the tax, accounting and financial services industry at the 2024 Acuity Conference for Distinguished Advisors in Montreal November 10-12”, says Evelyn Jacks, President of Knowledge Bureau and Program Director. “Our economic future and important tax reforms are on the agenda and, frankly, on the line. Your experience and views will help shape opinions on the theme: ‘Safe Havens – How To Secure Financial Futures And Build Wealth Potential’ ”. Here is more information and how to join us. Act by September 30 to save on tuition.
Think, lead, celebrate, meet, and honour your peers from coast-to-coast with your presence at the Acuity Conference for Distinguished Advisors (DAC) and in particular at the Knowledge Bureau Awards Ceremony on November 10. Check out the detailed online conference agenda designed to help you discover new ways to lead with impactful guidance and register by September 30 to save up to 20% on tuition.

Register now for the 2024 Acuity Conference for Distinguished Advisors. Registration options for individuals, team members or companions are available – and Knowledge Bureau grads have access to VIP Affinity Program rates. Check out the agenda highlights and view the comprehensive online agenda for all the details – including registration for pre-conference activities!

Monday, November 11 - Safe Havens & Financial Freedom
- To Reach Safe Havens, Change the Norms
- Managing Retirement Fear Factors
- Wealth on the Move - Finding Safe Havens
- Embrace Control - What to do to Focus Futures
- The CRA Factor - Growing Burdens for Small Business
- Innovative Solutions to Maximize Client’s Philanthropic Goals
- Average to Awesome: Keys to Building Scalable Practices
- To Reach Safe Havens, Change the Norms
- Managing Retirement Fear Factors
- Wealth on the Move - Finding Safe Havens
- Embrace Control - What to do to Focus Futures
- The CRA Factor - Growing Burdens for Small Business
- Innovative Solutions to Maximize Client’s Philanthropic Goals
- Average to Awesome: Keys to Building Scalable Practices
Tuesday, November 12 - Maximize Wealth Potential
- Motivational Session: Wake Up Your Latent Potential
- Practice Management: AI and ROI
- Post June 25 Capital Gains Planning
- Selling Your Professional Practice
- Bare Trusts & Their Alternatives
- Priorities for Building your Multi-Disciplinary Firm
- The Knowledge Wrap
Social Schedule
- Register at the exclusive St. James Club in downtown Montreal and attend the Opening Reception, Society of RWM™ Influencer Session, and the FDFS™, Designation and Graduate Awards Ceremony.
- Reach for the stars! Learn among the top advisors in tax, accounting, legal and financial industries. Network with incredible speakers and thought leaders, and build strong relationships.
- The DAC Gala at the Rialto Theatre: Vaudeville! Picture yourself walking under the Marquis on the red carpet to celebrate bygone eras of entertainment, dance and joy! Join in for a memorable evening celebrating the music& dance of the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s!