Last updated: May 01 2018
By a wide margin, Knowledge Bureau poll respondents disagreed with the concept of free childcare for all, as 72 percent voted “no” to the question: Do you agree that licensed day care centres should be fully government funded for children aged 2½ until they are eligible for kindergarten?
Here are some of the thoughts that accompanied the votes:
From Doug Cumpson: “I have raised six children and I truly believe a system where children can be looked after by people who are caring, attentive and nurturing full-time childcare providers, in an atmosphere of fun and learning, is the ideal situation for the child in terms of socialization and lifelong education. ECE workers and teachers are trained professionals who perform tasks that often most parents do not have time to facilitate.
“A system wherein the financial resources are provided equally to all—thereby ensuring equal opportunity for all children to attain a fully developed range of personal skill sets—would help society overall and each child individually, without having to be born into the ‘Royal Family.’”
Carol Jackson said this: “In many provinces, there far fewer good quality childcare spaces than there is demand. We are better off as a society if we support good quality care for young children. It is easy to tell people to ‘look after their own children’ but for many people to work and pay for the basic needs, they require two incomes. There are plenty of statistics that show if we have good quality care/education for ages 0 to 6 there is much less spent down the road on other forms of social assistance.”
The last word goes to Alice Manderson: “I do not believe in government funded childcare at all. People should be aware when they have children that they are their responsibility not the taxpayers’. We all make decisions to do things that end up being tough but we are responsible for ourselves and our decisions. I was nineteen and single when I had my first child and times were pretty tough, but I felt that I had made the choice to keep my child so, therefore, I was responsible for his care and upbringing.”
Thanks to everyone for participating. Please join us for our May poll, when the question is:
The tax filing deadline for proprietors is June 15. Should this be the deadline for all taxpayers?