Last updated: August 27 2018
Entrepreneur Amanda McAskill, of AJM Bookkeeping and Business Services is a recent graduate of Knowledge Bureau’s Bookkeeping for Small Business course. She found herself re-energized by the course, and inspired to tackle her career goals. Here’s her story:
Amanda shared her thoughts on this course saying, “Sometimes, when you are in the workforce and you learn as you work, you feel incompetent, as you may not have acquired your knowledge through schooling previously. There is just something about that piece of paper that justifies and shows clients that you are truly qualified for your job. If you are a bookkeeper just starting out or someone that needs a refresher, this course is for you.”
It is also an excellent course for bookkeepers who are software savvy but have limited theoretical accounting knowledge, as Amanda points out: “I took the course because I wanted that piece of paper, the confidence, and justification to do what I do. I run two home-based businesses, plus I prepare 300 tax returns each year, which makes it all more important to me to gain more knowledge and confidence because I do not have anyone to fall back on when I have questions.”
Amanda continues, “What surprised me the most about the course was the ‘common sense’ approach of the literature. It was easy to read and understandable. Managing two businesses, family and life, I could just simply pick up where I left off!”
When asked about her future goals, Amanda said “I signed up for six courses with Knowledge Bureau to better my knowledge. My goal is to complete them! With real life, work, and family, it is not unrealistic, with the setup and flexibility of Knowledge Bureau courses. I love to better my knowledge for my clients. I can’t wait to start the next course.”
After completing the Bookkeeping for Small Business course, Amanda now has a sound working knowledge on how to:
• Set up a CRA-compliant bookkeeping system for a small business
• Analyze and report transactions within the accounting cycle in a double-entry bookkeeping system using accounting software
• Present financial statements to the accountant for tax preparation and review
A few other comments from Amanda on her experience with Knowledge Bureau:
How did you feel when taking the course?
I am glad it gave me a deadline because I found it hard to take the time for myself, but I felt accomplished every time I finished a chapter. I got to see that check mark getting closer to the end. Gave me a goal to finish.
What did your family think about the amount of time spent?
I did most of my studying at night and early weekend mornings when the family was sleeping. I had less family distractions and it was only fair, I felt. It worked for me. Everyone has their favorite time to get things done, and that was mine.
Were you happy with the outcomes?
Yes, of course. But my favorite outcome was completing it! It shows me that this course was obtainable. Can’t wait to start the next one!
What is the glimpse of wisdom you can share with our readers?
Not sure if this is wisdom or an opinion... but to those who are second-guessing themselves in competence, or confidence in your workforce, there are courses out there that will provide you the tools to achieve and uplift your knowledge level. Use them. Life is too short to feel a lack of confidence in what you do. If you are looking for a basic, or a refresher, bookkeeping course, Knowledge Bureau has the tools for you.
Congratulations on completing the course, Amanda! Knowledge Bureau looks forward to helping you continue down your educational path!
The DFA - Bookkeeping Services Specialist Designation program is a great option for tax and financial services professionals, like Amanda, who want to broaden their technical knowledge and qualifications, and for those who wish to train administrative staff on how to prepare company books or how to prepare books for clients.
Grad interview by Nancy Folliott, Knowledge Bureau Assistant Manager, Publishing
Additional educational resources:
Free trials of Knowledge Bureau courses are available, so try them out for yourself. If you work with business clients as a bookkeeper or offer tax preparation services, we also recommend attending the Fall CE Summits this November for valuable insights into year-end planning processes.