CE Savvy Summits: New Trends in Tax Audit Defence and Appeals
The upcoming September 18 Virtual CE Summit is focused on Audit Defence and features an important session led by experienced tax litigation lawyer, Anna Malazhavaya, LLB, who will cover significant expansion of the CRA audit powers in the recent years. You will learn the best practices in corresponding with CRA auditors, how to identify situations where CRA auditors overstep their boundaries, how to protect your clients, and when to engage a tax lawyer. Register by September 15 and check out the full agenda online!
At this virtual event, which features a live, virtual (or recorded) event and online course, you’ll also learn about the existing and the new rights CRA auditors acquired recently either through amendments to the Income Tax Act (Canada) or through case law. We will also discuss the audit powers proposed in the recent Federal Budget, which made many tax lawyers across the nation concerned.
Check out the detailed online agenda as further information is added and be sure to register by September 15!
Agenda Highlights:
- Update on New Tax Provisions for 2024 and Beyond
- Tax Technology Update featuring TaxCycle
- New Trends in Tax and Audit Defence and Appeals
- Case Study: New Capital Gains Calculations
- Case Study: Personal Residence Dispositions
- Case Study: Intergenerational Business Rollovers
- The Wrap-Up (Society RWM™ Round Table): Advising Clients with Audit Defence in Mind
The CE Savvy Summits are comprised of a live virtual educational event plus a 5 chapter online course (take up to 3 months to finish). Students graduate with a Certificate of Achievement
from each Summit and earn CE Credits as follows: 15 CE Credits from KB, FP Canada, MFDA
Thank you to our sponsor, TaxCycle!
The Course: Audit Defence for Investors & Business Owners - Available September 16 for pre-reading.
- Update on New Tax Provisions for 2024 and Beyond
- New Trends in Tax Audit Defence and Appeals
- Personal Residence Dispositions
- Calculating Capital Gains and Losses
- Family Business Succession
Something New! Earn Your Diploma in Advanced Family Tax Compliance.
Earn your Diploma in Advanced Family Tax Compliance when you achieve four CE Summit Certificates of Achievement. Jump in anytime; then learn the programs concurrently.
- September 18:The Audit Defence Course for Investors and Business Owners
- November 6:The Year End Tax Planning Course for Investors and Business
- January 15:The Advanced Personal Tax Update Course
- May 21:The Advanced Retirement and Estate Planning Course
Be sure to register by September 15!