Last updated: June 25 2020
It’s time to ween off the CERB, at least in Manitoba, the implementation of a new program will supplement wages of those returning to the workforce: it’s time to get back to work!
The Manitoba Job Restart Program, announced on Tuesday, June 23, provides an incentive payment of up to $2,000 for workers to give up their CERB or other pandemic benefits. Here are the details:
Although the federal Safe Restart Agreement, which promised $14 billion in transfers to the provinces and territories to restart their economies remains delayed, Manitoba is moving forward with the implementation of a new program to encourage those collecting federal relief benefits to return to the workforce. The Manitoba Job Restart Program (MJRP) will begin accepting applications as of 2pm CST on June 26.
This taxable benefit requires that individuals return to work for a cumulative 30 hours per week during the period of June 26 and July 31. The first payment of $500 will be issued following the application process, and provided reporting is completed bi-weekly as required, three additional bi-weekly payments of $500 for a maximum $2,000 benefit amount will be provided.
Who is eligible? Manitobans who meet the following criteria are eligible for the MJRP:
In addition, individuals currently employed on a part-time basis and receiving CERB or CESB (making less than $1,000 from employment income per month) are eligible to apply for this program. To qualify, individuals must either increase their number of hours to a minimum of 30 hours per week with their currently eligible employer or find supplemental or full-time employment with an eligible employer providing them with a cumulative minimum of 30 hours of work per week.
What counts as an eligible employer?
An eligible employer is defined as:
An ineligible employer is:
Bi-weekly reporting requirements.
Reporting dates will be provided, and bi-weekly reports must be submitted to receive the 3 additional $500 bi-weekly payments. This requires individuals to attest that:
Additional educational resources: Learn an essential service to help CERB and other taxable benefit recipients in tax season 2021. Earn your credentials to become a DFA-Tax Services Specialist™, and provide the tax guidance Canadians need now more than ever.