Distinguished Advisor Videos

DAV Online

Too Busy to Spend a Day Out of the Office?

Missed the Distinguished Advisor Workshop?

That's OK - we've created DAV Online just for you.

Introducing a new convenient, online learning opportunity:  Continuing professional education on video, a great new way to earn 6 CE/CPD credits.  Log in today to the Distinguished Advisor Video Series.  Then sit back and relax, listen & learn.  Designed for busy professionals: update knowledge and skills in advanced technical subject areas at the office.  Tuition fees are only $495 plus taxes (prices subject to change without notice).  Register now!

Components include:

  1. DAW PowerPoints
  2. DAW online video series
  3. Testing and certification



Advanced Personal Tax Update

There are over a million small businesses which account for almost 78% of all private jobs created in Canada and 70% of the total labour force; and they are flourishing. Recent changes to tax law bring a sweet spot to advisors in the tax and financial services industry who serve this market. Find out more about personal, corporate and trust tax changes that matter to business owners, and how to plan for fiscal independence for both the business and the people in it, including how to finance a business in volatile economic times.

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Family Business & Year End Tax Planning

"We are pleased to cover not just the detailed line-by-line nuances on the new 2015 T1 return, but also the effects of the significant changes for families due to the middle income tax cut, the removal of the Universal Child Care Benefit in favour of the Canada Child Benefit, and the new 33% upper tax bracket, which will have a significant effect on family businesses and retirement income planning in 2016," says Keynote speaker Evelyn Jacks, President of Knowledge Bureau. "The TFSA contribution room changes back to $5500, although now indexed again, will also penalize seniors and their heirs, who have few tax shelters when RRSP deposits and RRIF income become taxable.  Income averaging strategies are key to preserving capital".

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