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Business and Succession Planning

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Knowledge Bureau Education Day Journals

Knowledge Bureau Education Day Journals

Knowledge Journal: 2025 Advanced Tax Update

Get your copy of what our delegates call the “Tax Bible” – the comprehensive line-by-line desk top reference coveted by tax and accounting professionals from coast to coast.


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Business and Succession Planning

Master Your Retirement

Worried about your financial future? You don’t have to be. If you want to have the most income today so you can do all the things you most want to do, have confidence and security knowing you will never run out of money, and comfort in knowing your portfolio won’t disappear due to normal market fluctuations, you need to read this book.

“My brother and I both have copies of Master Your Retirement. We both think it is one of the best retirement books available in Canada and wanted to thank you very much for writing it!”
– Jeff Gifford, ON


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Business and Succession Planning

Managing the Bull

This book will appeal to all consumers who are motivated to achieve financial independence, by learning the REAL "secrets of the rich". It is a no-nonsense, plain language guide that will attract people who have been disappointed or confused by the promises and claims of the investment industry (and the financial media). A special niche is for financial advisors to provide these to their clients, as it has been called "…the most effective users guide to help clients focus on what's most important - creating a compelling vision of their own future, rather than what happened in the market yesterday.”

BOTTOM LINE: this is a must-read book for anyone who wants to develop the Winners Mindset about money and is serious about achieving financial independence on their own terms. The book is inspiring, entertaining, informative and impactful.


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Business and Succession Planning

Defusing the Family Business Time Bomb

More than ever, Canada’s family businesses are under siege from a diverse set of risks— demographic changes, technological disruption, political change and complex new tax rules that threaten the family’s investment and the transition of the business to the next generation.

Whether you’re a long-time business owner getting ready to transition out or a new entrant to the gig economy who is poised to grow and expand, you will appreciate this book for its contemporary and practical advice. This ground-breaking book from two of Canada’s leading business leaders brings a common-sense approach to the challenges associated with building a company that has the potential to be sold to someone else in the future.


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Personal Finance

The Smart, Savvy Young Consumer

This book is your financial literacy launching pad, helping young consumers develop the knowledge and skills necessary to make responsible decisions. You’ll learn how money works, how to calculate interest, find out your credit score, invest in stocks, mutual funds and TFSAs.

Author Pat Foran has filled his book with tips on saving money—how to get the best deal on cell phone plans, car insurance, apartment leasing and home buying. You’ll also discover how to use your purchasing power to change the world. By flexing your social power (where and how you spend matters) you can make a difference.


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Personal Finance

Empower Your Presence

The quality of “presence” has always held a certain mystique that is empowering and attractive. It can improve relationships, transform situations, and influence success.

Author Catherine Bell empowering book shows you how your unique presence can create opportunities and propel you to new heights. You’ll discover how to empower yourself without overpowering others by developing an authentic personal brand, how identifying your personal brand can empower you to know yourself and better communicate your intrinsic value to others, and how using your brand to build an empowered presence can generate more relationships, more influence, and more money.


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