News Room

Capital Gains Chaos: Extensions & Unprecedented Delays to Tax Season 2025

Stop! Don’t file a T1 or T3 tax return yet, says a March 11, 2025, news release from the CRA, if you have been impacted by the chaos of the proposed capital gains inclusion rate increase.

Getting New T3 Trust Returns Right

Tax compliance regarding T3 Trust returns is in the spotlight as new efile requirements begin for the tax filing years ending December 31, 2021 forward.  Here’s a primer on what you need to know; a preview of a newly revised professional certificate course, Filing T3 Trust Returns at Knowledge Bureau by Faculty Member and Instructor, Diane Elliott.

Poll Results: Are Tax Pros in Favour of Anti-Flipping Capital Gains Tax?

It was a close race with our most recent poll question, with respondents torn when it came to the question “Do you believe a potential anti-flipping capital gains tax on principal residences is a good idea?” This was a change proposed in the election and while the majority were in favour, most of the comments were in the negative, here’s what you said:

Beat Tax Time Staff Shortages: Enrol Now in T1 Advanced Tax Update

Trouble finding qualified help for tax season?  Canada’s most comprehensive and popular advanced tax update is now taking registrations for January 19 Virtual event featuring the “Tax Bible” – the popular name for the comprehensive desk top reference coveted by tax and accounting professionals from coast to coast.  This is the time to train staff in a new and improved hybrid live and online course to shake out the cobwebs and drill down on dark horses and news for filing 2021 tax returns.  

First Annual National Conference on Pensions for CCPCs

About 1.4 million Canadians are business owners under the age of 71 who are receiving some form of T4 income from their own companies, and there’s an opportunity to trigger massive tax savings with 7 extra deductions beyond what the RRSP offers. Why should your clients give that hard-earned cash to the CRA when it can be put to work in a tax-sheltered account in their name instead? Learn more at the first annual virtual Pension Conference for Accounting Firm Partners and their staff taking place on November 30, 2021!

The MFA-P Advantage:  Why Philanthropy as a Strategy Makes Good Sense This Year

Chelsey McEwen, BA, RRC, MFA-P™ shares her experience in perusing her MFA-P™ Philanthropy Designation.   She was  “looking for a focused approach to more niche planning that isn’t talked about that much in the industry.”  It may make good sense for you and your clients too.  Here’s why her insights matter:

Tax Literacy Matters

It’s financial literacy month and that includes tax literacy.  High income earners, for example, will be interested to know that the RRSP maximum dollar limit - $30,780 – was recently announced for 2023. 
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view, has CRA improved its services to clients and tax preparers this year?

  • Yes
    1 votes
  • No
    50 votes