Extension of Donation Deadline – Gifts in Kind Don’t Qualify
Last week Finance Canada released draft legislation to confirm the extension of the charitable donation deadline for the 2024 tax year to February 28, 2025. But it’s not for all donations. The fine print in this legislation matters before going ahead and making the donation. Check it out:Over-Contributions and Excess Contributions to an RRSP
RRSP season ended on March 1, so any contributions to be deducted on the taxpayer’s 2021 return must have already been made. These contributions cannot exceed the maximum RRSP contribution for 2021 which appeared on the 2020 Notice of Assessment. So long as the contributions made are less than the maximum allowed, the taxpayer can deduct as much or as little of the contributions made on their 2021 return. Complications arise, though, when the amount contributed exceeds the maximum.
New Canada Digital Adoption Program for Small Businesses
On March 3, 2022, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, announced that the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) is now fully active and ready for qualifying businesses to apply for funding. The purpose of the CDAP is to assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) “grow their online presence and upgrade or adopt digital technologies.” Here are the details:
Resources You Need for a Busy Tax Season
Tax season is now in full swing, according to the most recent 2022 season filing statistics from the CRA. As of March 7 almost 2.5 million returns had been filed, with over 95% through electronic filing methods E=File and Netfile. As we approach the height of the season, does you team have the necessary resources to deal with the demands?
Retirement Planning 2022: Time to Rethink It
When should I tap into the CPP? Should we sell our principal residence? Will my retirement portfolio withstand current market volatility? Canadians who save for retirement are lucky to be assisted in doing so with four key sources of pension income. But these pillars of private financial security, have been subject to tax tinkering recently, as well as valuation swings. It is, as a result, high time to rethink retirement income planning.
Eligibility for Tax Support for Business Investments: What does it mean for Small Businesses?
How do you tap into the new $1.5 million tax break for businesses and who is eligible? It turns out most business owners may be. Building on last week’s article, “Complexity: Consequences of Tinkering with the CCA System”, we’ll expand on the details of the plan from the Federal Government to boost business investment as a measure to restart the economy as Covid-19 dwindles. Here are the details.