News Room

Canada Needs a Financial Plan

According to a July 23 publication by the Fraser Institute, we are getting poorer here in Canada and the prospects for economic growth are looking grim.  This should be of concern to every Canadian concerned about their “real income” – that’s their purchasing power – and by extension - their ability to fund consumption now and for important family milestones in the future:  retirements, education and homeownership.  It’s grim, but there are practical suggestions for a turn around plan. Here’s a synopsis of the report.   

What’s to Come as Some COVID-Response Benefits End?

On October 21, just a whisper before  many of the pandemic support programs for individuals and business were set to expire two days later, including the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) and Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), the federal government announced some transitional provisions. Now, new targeted COVID-19 support benefits are being introduced. Read on for details:

Why We Need to Do More: The Notion of Ethos

Trouble keeping or engaging staff?  It’s a common issue, but there may be a simple solution, according to Dr. Paul Bates, who kicked off the educational portion of the Virtual DAC (Distinguished Advisor Conference) agenda Sunday evening with an inspiring overview of what leaders need to do to create a workplace which leads to complete human flourishing.  

Improv-ing on Soft Skills

Who knew Improv could be such a great team building exercise?  If you are working with a new team in your organization, you should consider it, as DAC delegates found out to their surprise and delight. The Virtual Night at the Improv session was more than a hoot:  delegates also learned a lot about communication skills in four skill-building games.  Here’s what happened: 

The Greatest Recovery on Earth

Evelyn Jacks, President and Founder of Knowledge Bureau opened the Virtual Distinguished Advisor Conference this week with a key insight: a global economic crisis and recovery of this magnitude will require a new approach to tax and financial advisory practices. Citing the many threats investors face - and the pandemic is not the only trigger – Evelyn set the stage for the Greatest Recovery on Earth and its implications over the long term for Canadian taxpayers and investors, as well as the many ways advisors can help their clients through the recovery. 

DAC 2021 New Advisor Award Winner: Lewis Kent

Let nothing stand between you and your relationships. That’s the powerful mantra that has propelled Lewis Kent to exponentially build his financial advisory practice with the physicians on the front line of the pandemic.   Guiding these tireless professionals in their financial health has earned Lewis the distinction of the 2021 Distinguished New Award Winner at the Virtual Distinguished Advisor Conference, October 18.

New Online Course Brings the Wisdoms of DAC to Those Who Missed It

Did you miss the 2021 Distinguished Advisor Conference?  Good news! Knowledge Bureau has captured the incredible insights and wisdoms from this outstanding educational event in a new certificate course entitled:  Integrated Practice Management Solutions now available.  Check out the description below and register before the end of this month to save $200. 
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?

  • Yes
    115 votes
  • No
    23 votes