News Room

Tax Change: Advise Taxpayer About Short-Term Rentals

Taxpayers who own a residential property and rent it out must be aware that income reporting is required in most cases.  Further if the rental was for periods of less than 90 days, expenses to offset that income could be restricted.  These Short Term Rental (STR) rules are new for the 2024 tax year.  Here’s what you need to know based on recent directives from Finance Canada and the CRA, which includes a brief reprieve for some STR owners in 2024:

Grads Earn Tuition Bonuses with New Workplace Training Division

Did you know that our newly revamped VIP Affinity Program is still available to Knowledge Bureau graduates?

Good News: Disability Tax Form Finally Updated

CRA has finally released the updated Disability Tax Form for the 2021 tax filing year which ended April 30 for individuals and June 15 for proprietors. Medical practitioners who complete Part B of form T2201 Disability Tax Credit Certificate using the digital application process will find that it is now updated to reflect the expanded eligibility criteria for mental functions and life-sustaining therapies, particular interest to diabetics and their caregivers. Here’s what you need to know:

OECD:  Canadian Taxes Are High, But Unemployment is a Bigger Issue

Canadian taxpayers pay substantially higher taxes on personal income, profits & gains, corporate income & gains, payroll taxes and property taxes than the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) average, based on 2019 statistics. Reflecting the environment prior to the pandemic, Canada’s economy was doing well and unemployment was at  5.7% - the lowest annual level on record at that time, according to Statistics Canada. Women and working boomers seem to have suffered the most fallout from the pandemic, but GenXers were not immune to the economic pain either.

Anticipating Recessionary Pressures in Investment Planning

While inflation is characterized by an increase in prices in an economy, a recession is generally defined as two consecutive quarters of negative real GDP growth; that is, the inflation-adjusted growth of an overall economy.  Higher inflation obviously has a significant impact on this definition.   The two concepts are a double-edged sword in today’s economic climate and it will impact the conversations you may be initiating with your concerned clients:

The New CEWS Audit: New Risks for SMEs in Canada

The CRA has at least 2,500 CEWS audits of large Canadian businesses underway. It is anticipated that what they learn from those audits will then be used to audit small and medium-sized businesses across the country over the next decade. There is no audit limitation period, meaning that every business should anticipate having to defend their CEWS claims at some point in time.  The September 21 CE Summit, will cover this topic in depth with one of Canada’s leading tax litigators and a tax lawyer with broad experience in resolving audits, David Robertson and Evelyn Tang from EY Law LLP.

DAC Acuity 2022: Hear Insights from Top-Flight Industry Thought Leaders

Be sure to register by August 31 to take advantage of the early bird conference discounts for DAC, October 16 -18 in beautiful Niagara Falls.  You won’t want to miss the incredible line up of topflight speakers who will bring the future of finance to you in spades of insightful thought leadership.  It is the only conference for a multi-advisory audience and the one you should not miss if you are a business leader or owner-manager in the tax or financial services.  Consider these critical topics:
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

Do you agree with extending the charitable donations giving deadline to February 28, 2025 for the purposes of reducing taxes on the 2024 tax return?

  • Yes
    103 votes
  • No
    73 votes