News Room

Update On Trust Tax Filings

On March 3, 2025 CRA issued an update on the confusing trust filing requirements for tax year 2024. What’s important to know is that when filing of the T3 return, and the T3SCH15 Beneficial Ownership Information of a Trust form is required, the deadline is coming up soon:  March 31, 2025. 

A Holistic Disruption Requires a Holistic Approach

A holistic disruption requires a holistic approach and it’s time for the tax and financial advisory community to collaborate more, not less, to help their clients face the real possibility of recession and increased financial pain in 2023. “It is our role to be sure our clients are prepared for both opportunities and threats,” says Evelyn Jacks, President of Knowledge Bureau and the first keynote speaker at DAC Acuity 2022 in Niagara Falls this past week.

DAC 2022 An Outstanding Event; Plans for Banff Nov 11-14, 2023 Announced

Distinguished Delegates at DAC 2022 were asked to get out of their comfort zones and make new, big goals to embrace what will be a difficult 2023 for their clients as a recession looms, CRA audits and recall of bank loans darken the horizon.  At the same, time, however, there has never been a more perfect opportunity to add the highest value as professionals in the accounting, tax, bookkeeping and financial services. Twenty-four outstanding thought leaders made their case for building Velocity in anticipation of their enhanced services this year.

DAC 2022 Distinguished New Advisor of The Future Award Winner: Doug Buss

The 2022 Distinguished New Advisor of the Future Award Winner is a 35-year veteran of the financial services industry who has re-engineered his practice to epitomize what it takes to pivot and become the advisor of the future.  Doug Buss, of Winnipeg, has 6 staff members at YourStyle Financial and plans to double his assets under management over the next 5 years. 

High Prescribed Interest Rates: Plan Now

CRA has announced the fourth quarter prescribed interest rates and as expected, they rose again.  It is now very expensive to owe money to the CRA, and any taxpayer who does, is well advised to pay off that debt as soon as possible. The prescribed interest rates for October 1 to December 31 are as follows:

Options?  The Challenge of Rising Prices, and Cost-Push Inflation

Inflation continues to be top of mind for most of us as we see prices increase at the grocery store, gas station, and pretty much everywhere else.  Advisors and clients can build out defensive strategies with a better understanding of inflation in today’s context; the subject of this, the first of a three-part series.

Payroll Deductions:  A Tax on Labor

By definition, payroll remittances are mandatory statutory deductions withheld from an employee’s pay by an employer for the purposes of funding government programs.  But are they a tax? The answer is yes, and this is why:
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view, has CRA improved its services to clients and tax preparers this year?

  • Yes
    1 votes
  • No
    25 votes