News Room

Tax Change: Advise Taxpayer About Short-Term Rentals

Taxpayers who own a residential property and rent it out must be aware that income reporting is required in most cases.  Further if the rental was for periods of less than 90 days, expenses to offset that income could be restricted.  These Short Term Rental (STR) rules are new for the 2024 tax year.  Here’s what you need to know based on recent directives from Finance Canada and the CRA, which includes a brief reprieve for some STR owners in 2024:

Business Leaders: Future-Proof Your Practice

Gender Inclusion: Acknowledging and Servicing Transgender, Non-Binary and LGBTQ2+ People. It has never been more apparent than now that gender norms are changing, and these changes are here to stay.

DTC Claims For Diabetics and Others: Your Money is Coming

Good news! CRA is reviewing previously denied claims for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) under expanded eligibility criteria available for the 2021 tax filing year. 

Preserving Capital in Inflationary Times

Preserving capital in the current environment includes three goals: managing the financial triggers caused by the current environment, understanding the tax-efficient "wealth horizon", and preserving income-producing capital in advance of transition events: retirement and death of a taxpayer. 

Tuition or Canada Training Credit?

Starting in 2020, most taxpayers between the age of 25 and 65 began earning an entitlement to the Canada Training Credit of $500 per year. In order to claim the credit, the taxpayer has to have eligible tuition fees for the year. So, what’s the difference between claiming the tuition credit and the Canada Training Credit?

CE Summits September 21: Managing Audit Trouble Spots

With the "ramped-up" activity of the Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA") relating to taxpayer audits, you and your clients will want to take pre-emptive measures to manage potential audit trouble spots.

DAC Acuity 2022: Building Momentum from the Executive Suite

Change is difficult at the best of times but today, it’s harder, especially for business leaders, owners and managers. 
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

Do you agree with extending the charitable donations giving deadline to February 28, 2025 for the purposes of reducing taxes on the 2024 tax return?

  • Yes
    103 votes
  • No
    72 votes