News Room

Update On Trust Tax Filings

On March 3, 2025 CRA issued an update on the confusing trust filing requirements for tax year 2024. What’s important to know is that when filing of the T3 return, and the T3SCH15 Beneficial Ownership Information of a Trust form is required, the deadline is coming up soon:  March 31, 2025. 

Poll Results: Harvest tax losses takes more care in 2022

An overwhelming majority of Knowledge Bureau poll respondents, 93%, believe investors should harvest tax losses in 2022 to recover taxes paid on capital gains declared in the past three years.  It’s an interesting question, however, because in some cases it might be the right thing to do; in others not.  Most professionals reflected this sentiment in their comments.

Are You Looking at Changing Your Career Path?

Do you like working numbers and have an aptitude to solve problems?  Do you love working with people? It may be the right time to change course and embrace a new career path in the tax accounting industry.  It can be financially rewarding, too.  An accountant with 0-3 year's experience living in Alberta is making on average $70,538, according to the latest Robert Half Salary Guide. A senior tax accountant in Toronto is making over $100,000.

Looking for IIROC Credits? Take the RWM™ OR MFA-P™ Program

Knowledge Bureau is pleased to announce that two of its designation programs qualify for IIROC Credits:  The RWM™ (Real Wealth Manager) Designation qualifies for 20 PD credits and the MFA-P™ (Philanthropy) designation provides 20 PD and 3 Compliance Credits.

The Best Client Conversation Starter: Tax Filing & Benefits Milestones for December and January

Here’s a proactive conversation starter with your clients this month: a tax filing and benefits milestones chart!  It’s a great way to ensure your clients can cash in on generous benefits from the government and a chance to remind your clients how important filing tax returns really can be. 

Should a Business Incorporate?

To incorporate or not incorporate, that is the question… a very common question that small business owners ask their trusted advisor.  There are so many variables that come into play in this decision, so the answer is, it depends!  Read on as we consider the factors to consider with a small business owner.  Only then should the transition from sole proprietor or partnership to a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC) be taken. 

Tax and Economic Education Matters – A Great Opportunity for Advisors

In a time of high inflation, and high debt, Canadians are paying attention to the economic messages they are receiving from government.  According to a recent poll by Ipsos, Canadians are in fact having mixed feelings on the most recent November 3, 2022 Fall Economic Report and Mini-budget, which was followed the next day with Explanatory Notes to a 169-page Ways and Means Motion that amends the Income Tax Act for new measures. 
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view, has CRA improved its services to clients and tax preparers this year?

  • Yes
    1 votes
  • No
    28 votes