News Room

Update On Trust Tax Filings

On March 3, 2025 CRA issued an update on the confusing trust filing requirements for tax year 2024. What’s important to know is that when filing of the T3 return, and the T3SCH15 Beneficial Ownership Information of a Trust form is required, the deadline is coming up soon:  March 31, 2025. 

Ready to Sell Your Small Business Corporation? Consider CNIL

CNIL (generally pronounced senile) is the acronym for Cumulative Net Investment Loss.  Tracking CNIL started after December 31, 1987.  Most people don’t know why CNIL is so important and why tax software tracks it so carefully on a year-to-year basis.  But if you’re a small business owner counting on using your full Capital Gains Deduction, here’s what you need to know:

Real Wealth Management: Push Back on Economic Malais

Investors need to quickly sharpen their tax and financial skills to meet more challenging times ahead, and a good way to start is to find the right advisor says Knowledge Bureau Founder and President Evelyn Jacks, best-selling tax financial author and award-winning educator.  That’s someone who is prepared to work with you holistically and with a multi-stakeholder approach to building sustainable family wealth – after taxes, inflation and fees. 

CE SAVVYâ„¢ Biz Ed: Understanding Tax Collection

The World Economic Forum, which wraps up this week, signaled more gloomy economic news for 2023, more interest rate hikes to come, and a mild recession.  For worried investors, retirees and employees, particularly in the tech industry, shoring up new learning opportunities is a good idea.  Knowledge Bureau can help with a new series of Specialized Credentials and micro-courses that begins with a solid understanding of a key wealth eroder: TAX.

Knowledge Bureau is Instagram Official

It’s official! We are on Instagram. Follow us @knowledgebureau1 to find out the latest Knowledge Bureau news, courses and events. Or if there’s anything specific, you’d like to see on this social platform please reach out and let us know. It’s our 20th Anniversary this year, so we are excited to share contests, promotions and news with you. And quite frankly – we can’t wait to connect directly with you.

Crypto Assets: Are Taxpayers Reporting Them?

Cryptocurrency can't stay out of the headlines - just last week (on their first joint statement on crypto) the Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) said they had concerns with the safety and soundness of bank business models that are highly concentrated in crypto. No government wants any 2022 problems sneaking up - a truly notorious year for cryptocurrency with the collapse of FTX.

CPP Premium Hikes Reduce Crowd Out Savings Plans

Both the CPP and EI contributions – which are mandatory – have risen. This will reduce take-home pay for employees. However, for those who are self-employed and must pay both the employer’s and employee’s portion of the CPP, things are about to get much more expensive and that could start to crowd out critical TFSA and RRSP investments for their futures.  
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view, has CRA improved its services to clients and tax preparers this year?

  • Yes
    1 votes
  • No
    28 votes