News Room

Donation Deadline Draws Near

There is still time to give and save money: mark your calendar for February 28.  That is the deadline date to make cash, cheque, money order donations  to your favorite charity and claim the deduction on your 2024 tax return.

GST Holiday Ends This Week: Lost Aversion Kicks In

The GST holiday which  began in December comes to an end on February 15th and the fallout for consumers and businesses could linger for longer than the two month exemption itself.  Announced by the Prime Minister and then Finance Minister on November 21st, the end of the break will mean Canadians must once again pay more for common children’s items in particular.  Further, businesses will gain incur costs to reprogram point-of-sales and accounting systems. 

Anti-Flippers Beware: CRA Fines are Exorbitant

Canadian homeowners may not yet have caught up with the new rules around anti-flipping when they buy and sell their principal residences.  CRA has not only tightened the reporting rules, but now can deny the tax exempt treatment if the personal residence is not held for 365 consecutive days.  Some exceptions do apply.  So let’s take a look at the rules that should be discussed with all home owners and potential home owners:

Tax Season Can Provide Financial Stress Relief

Real Wealth Management is the accumulation, growth, preservation and transition of wealth after taxation, inflation and fees.  Seldom has an economic environment been more conducive to this approach with the threat of tariffs, significant tax change and numerous interest/inflation fluctuations.    Fortunately, tax season, which official begins for filing of T1s on February 24, can provide some cash flow relief.  Here are some things to consider.

VIP in the News: Diane Colton, FDFS™

Diane Colton, Business Services Specialist, FDFS™, Knowledge Bureau VIP graduate, designate, esteemed Fellow of Distinguished Financial Services and owner of Mobility Tax has been selected to receive the King Charles III Coronation Medal from the Governor General of Canada.

Capital Gains Tax Changes and New Tax Forms Released

The Recorded Sessions of this High Value Webinar are now available featuring in depth instruction from tax experts Evelyn Jacks, Kim Moody and Ruth Horst.  Don’t miss this important opportunity to decipher the Capital Gains chaos for your clients, family and community. File T1 returns with the new Schedule 3 with confidence – train rooking staff members, too. Plus, there’s still time to enrol in our upcoming CE Savvy™ Mini Summit live-virtual events. On February 19 we will focus on Families and Their Real Estate and on February 26 Small Business Returns.

New Podcast! Knowledge Bureau Report Comes to Life

Join Evelyn Jacks and special guests for a weekly podcast delivering real tax news people need to know.  It’s been quite the journey for taxpayers who own assets like cottages and businesses.  In this first episode of Real Tax News: “Capital Gains Chaos Gets a Reprieve” featuring Geoff Currier, find out the latest PLUS the Definition of True Wealth.
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view will the new U.S. tariffs affect your clients’ business and retirement plans?

  • Yes
    1100 votes
  • No
    558 votes