News Room

SMES: Carbon Tax Rebates on the Way?

July 15 was an important day for carbon-tax weary taxpayers. A Canada Carbon Rebate payment was  made to individuals who have filed their 2023 personal tax returns.  What about the long-awaited $2.5 billion Carbon Tax Rebate For Small Businesses? The delivery date and amounts to be received remain elusive, but one thing is clear: many businesses will have disqualified themselves by missing the July 15 date for filing 2023 T2 returns.  Here’s what you need to know. 

OAS Benefits Will Increase in 2023

Old Age Security recipients will receive more on January 27, 2023, due to inflation indexing. But just how much more is more complex these days: it depends on your age – those over age 75 receive 10% more - and whether you have postponed receiving OAS to age 70.  Here are the benefit amounts to watch for:

Prescribed Interest Rates Rises in First Quarter of 2023

Advisors should identify clients who have balances owing to the CRA as soon as possible in the new year to ensure they pay off their balance due and if they cannot, to advise on the most tax-efficient way to eliminate this expensive debt.  Interest costs accrue daily at the current prescribed rate plus 4%.  The new rates in effect from January 1, 2023 to March 31, 2023 will increase the cost of a debt to CRA significantly:

New! Renovation Tax Credit Starting in 2023

Are you renovating your home to make it possible to keep an eye on a senior or disabled adult? Then you’ll be interested to know more about a new refundable tax credit starting in 2023.

Tax Planning: How To Push Back on Economic Malais

Taxpayers need to quickly sharpen financial skills for the challenging times ahead, and a good way to start is to find the right advisor for their future, says Knowledge Bureau Founder and President Evelyn Jacks, best-selling tax financial author and award-winning educator.  It’s also critically important for both parties to invest anew in their financial education, especially tax education, to push back on the economic malaise predicted for 2023. 

Embrace The Side Hustle: Stand out in the competitive tax services industry

Looking to increase your income or revenues in a tax or financial services practice?  Embrace the demand new small business owners of a bustling “side hustle” have for qualified corporate tax services. Kickstart your career, earn more with new credentials and maximize your potential as a confident tax knowledge leader.  Become a Distinguished Master Advisor by taking the new DMA Corporate Tax Services Specialist Designation Program. 

REGISTER NOW: Advanced Personal Tax Update

The tax filing season is just around the corner and now is the time to shake out the cobwebs, learn about the “dark horses” of tax theory behind the lines on the new 2022 T1 return and sharpen the skills of your new and returning staff in your tax preparation office.  Register by January 15 for the Advanced T1 Tax Update and check out our new rates for multiple enrolments: 2, 3 or 4 and more from your office.
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?

  • Yes
    115 votes
  • No
    23 votes