News Room

Capital Gains Chaos: Extensions & Unprecedented Delays to Tax Season 2025

Stop! Don’t file a T1 or T3 tax return yet, says a March 11, 2025, news release from the CRA, if you have been impacted by the chaos of the proposed capital gains inclusion rate increase.

Poll: Complexity Adds to Trust, Capital Gains Tax Uncertainty

Canada’s tax system has been undergoing significant reforms.  The complexity and uncertainty caused by hurried tax law and a lack of readiness at CRA, have resulted in two last minute cancellations, most recently to  filing T3 returns for bare trusts - so far, only for the 2023 tax year.  Problem is, CRA, can still make a direct request for these filings.  KBR subscribers had mixed reviews about this, discussed below.  By April 16, taxpayers faced further complexity on their sound financial plans:  the proposed capital gains inclusion rate increase. Are these taxes on capital gains the wrong move at this time?  Consider the research and join us May 22 for a vibrant national discussion on what to do about it.

Provincial Tax Round Up 2024

With all the news around the release of the April 16 federal budget in the busiest weeks of tax season, you may have missed what’s happened in provincial taxes for 2024.  Here’s a provincial tax round up to help you make sense of client queries you might get about relocations in 2024 as relates to personal tax changes.  Which is the best province to move to, from a tax filing point of view?  Personal tax budget highlights include:

Clients Concerned About Budget Announcements? RWMs are Poised to Help!

Are you alarmed by the recent department of finance and CRA’s budget announcements? Are you feeling like you and your clients are drowning in quicksand? You don’t want to miss this Real Wealth Management Program orientation session, where you will have an opportunity to hear from 7 of Canada’s most influential thought leaders as they have a roundtable budget discussion. Learn more about the RWM™ Designation program and how a Real Wealth Management approach can help your clients achieve financial peace of mind through the collaborative multi-stakeholder strategies aimed at building sustainable inter-generational wealth after taxes, fees and inflation.

What’s In The Big April 30 Tax Bill – Register by May 15 to Decipher What’s New

Last week , on the tax filing deadline of April 30, 2024, the Federal Government tabled a 663-page Notice of Ways and Means Motion to introduce many of the provisions of the April 16 Federal Budget.   Included in the Bill, the Budget Implementation Act, 2024, No. 1 were the following provisions; check out how they impact filing at the virtual CE Savvy Summit on May 22 – earn 15 CE Credits, too :

Bare Trust Compliance Threat Not Over

Although, in general, bare trust filings received a CRA reprieve for the April 2, 2024 tax filing deadline, other obligations remain and will carry non-compliance penalties.  Specifically, CRA has stated that the T3 Return and Schedule 15 (Beneficial Ownership Information of a Trust) will not be required for the 2023 tax year unless the CRA makes a direct request for them. 

The Increasing Reliance on Public Pensions: Things Have Changed

Things have changed for Canadians in their pre-retirement planning period.  High interest, inflation and consumer debt are eroding away “savings room” for private savings, and longevity risk is increasing.  As a result, preserving access to indexed public pensions – the CPP and the OAS - is now more important than ever in retirement income planning.  Doing so is complex. That’s why, well informed tax and financial advisors can add significant value.       
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view, has CRA improved its services to clients and tax preparers this year?

  • Yes
    1 votes
  • No
    51 votes