News Room

Capital Gains Chaos: Extensions & Unprecedented Delays to Tax Season 2025

Stop! Don’t file a T1 or T3 tax return yet, says a March 11, 2025, news release from the CRA, if you have been impacted by the chaos of the proposed capital gains inclusion rate increase.

Top Three Retirement Income Planning Questions

Knowledge Bureau’s Advanced Retirement Income Planning Course kicked off with a day long peer-to-peer learning summit that featured four expert presenters and a highly engaged audience of tax and financial advisors from across Canada.  The online course is now available with recorded presentations and all the outstanding insights.   Some of the top retirement planning questions coming out of the session appear below, together with insights about the value this 15 CE Credit Certificate course: 

Critical Role for Advisors Requires Knowledge on Capital Gains Changes

The capital gains inclusion rate changes have invoke wide-spread concern about the best ways to preserve assets built over a lifetime to fund retirements and pass down important real estate and business interests. These tax changes will indeed cost average households significantly more money when they dispose of the assets that form the cornerstones of their net worth.  Advisors have an important role to play in ensuring that the June 25 trigger date for the higher inclusion rates will not unduly upset retirement and estate plans.  Here are five things that can be done:

Building Your RWM™ Office: Meeting of the Minds Live June 5!

Please join the Society of Real Wealth Managers Meeting of the Minds to learn about the benefits of professional collaboration to enhance your value proposition, and how you can build your own Real Wealth Management office of the future on June 5 at 10 am CT. Save the date for this complimentary live, virtual event, and save $500 on program tuition when you enrol in the Real Wealth Manager Program by May 31.

2024 Acuity Conference for Distinguished Advisors – Our Partners!

The Acuity Conference for Distinguished Advisors (DAC) takes place November 10-12 in Montreal, Quebec and we are pleased to welcome the thought leadership of many returning education partners to the stage. These speakers are ready to wow the highly-engaged audience at the only multi-disciplinary conference for professionals in the tax, accounting and financial services. Please join us in thanking these organizations for contributing their thought leadership to this year’s event, and be sure to sign on as a delegate or partner by the June 30 early-bird deadline. Stay tuned as more details, including a comprehensive conference agenda, are coming soon!

New! The PBRHR - 100% GST / HST Rebate on Rental Housing Units

A new Purpose-Built Rental Housing Rebate (PBRHR) is now available for landlords and builders of new or substantially renovated buildings being converted to residential rental units specifically to house students, seniors and apartment dwellers.  The federal government will refund 100% of the GST and federal portion of the HST.  Notably there is no $450,000 fair market value limit on the housing units, as required under existing GST/HST rebate rules.  However, the application process is still not set in stone.

Spousal RRSP Strategy: Leverage Your Tax Refunds

Are you making full use of the tax advantages available by investing in a Spousal RRSP?  It’s a legitimate way to get a lucrative tax deduction in 2024, defer tax on income earned in the registered account, split income in retirement and in many cases, avoid clawbacks of income-tested benefits and credits.  Yet the simple strategy of using a Spousal RRSP for all these benefits is often missed.  Here are the basic parameters to share with your clients, who may wish to start by investing their tax refund.
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view, has CRA improved its services to clients and tax preparers this year?

  • Yes
    1 votes
  • No
    51 votes