News Room

Donation Deadline Draws Near

There is still time to give and save money: mark your calendar for February 28.  That is the deadline date to make cash, cheque, money order donations  to your favorite charity and claim the deduction on your 2024 tax return.

Real Wealth Manager Certificate: Helping you reach for the heights

How do you rise above the disruption of technology and realign your value proposition with the values of your prospective new clients and the demands of your current book?

Missing in Action: Tax Credit For Minor Children

Something’s been missing on your tax return since 2015 and that’s the non-refundable tax credit for minor children. It was canceled in favor of the enhanced Universal Child Care Benefit and the new Family Tax Cut. Both those provisions have since been canceled in favor of the new Canada Child Benefit.

T1 Filing: 29 Million Expected; Only 15 Million Filed So Far

Things must be gearing up for a really busy week in tax accounting offices since the CRA has only received half the returns it is expecting for the 2017 tax filing year. It’s estimated that there will be 29 million tax returns filed this year. Is a big rush still to come before the May 1 deadline? In a word, yes.

Tax Fraud Could Cost Stock Promoter Plenty

Be warned that the CRA is taking tax avoidance and tax evasion more seriously than ever. The federal budget funded increased verification activities, additional auditors and specialists focused on the underground economy. A major focus of the CRA Criminal Investigations program has also targeted sophisticated taxpayers and promoters of schemes.

Professional Care to Become More Important as Clients Age

How do you define great advice? What services do you need to receive from your advisor that would compel you to recommend them to your friends and associates? In the tax business, that particular sweet spot occurs when the client says thanks and “see you next year.” But what happens to the standards of professional advice when a client’s health changes? Consider the following true-to-life scenario as an example. 

Spotlight on Canadian Financial Authors: Rick Atkinson

In celebration of Canada’s 150th year, Knowledge Bureau is pleased to put the spotlight on Canadian Financial Authors. This week: Rick Atkinson discusses Time Management – A Critical Retirement Skill.
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view will the new U.S. tariffs affect your clients’ business and retirement plans?

  • Yes
    1100 votes
  • No
    558 votes