News Room

Donation Deadline Draws Near

There is still time to give and save money: mark your calendar for February 28.  That is the deadline date to make cash, cheque, money order donations  to your favorite charity and claim the deduction on your 2024 tax return.

Financial Trivia Contest: Another chance to win a free registration to DAC!

Try our trivia question and get in on a chance to win a free registration to the Distinguished Advisor Conference (DAC) in the spectacular wine country of BC. Meet Canada’s top advisors and reflect with them on this year’s theme, Canada 150: Financial Advice at the Crossroads of Change.

People in the News

Increase your knowledge and value proposition with DFA - Tax Services Specialist™ designation—Chad Kruger, Alberta

Little-Known Tax Relief for Student Loans

Student loan indebtedness is a burden that often haunts graduates for many years after they have completed their post-secondary education. According to a Statistics Canada report from 2012, the average university student’s debt is $21,700. Fortunately, there is some relief on the tax return.

2017 Provincial Budget Roundup: Part 2

This is the second in the Provincial Budget Roundup series. This week, we present a brief summary of the tax provisions from the western and prairie provinces:

Should You Take Your CPP Early or Late?

Are you thinking about retiring soon?  One important consideration in this process is whether you should start your Canada Pension Plan benefits early or late. Now that tax season is over for most people (proprietors have until June 15 to file their returns), this is a question tax specialists and their pre-retiring clients should be discussing sooner rather than later. In fact, anticipating the after-tax consequences of this decision can help spur on broader retirement planning activities.

Focus on Canadian Financial Authors: Advice for Women who are Suddenly on Their Own

Jackie Porter, CFP, co-author of Single by Choice or Chance: The Smart Women’s Guide to Living Longer Better has some useful advice for women over forty who find themselves single after an unexpected life change:
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view will the new U.S. tariffs affect your clients’ business and retirement plans?

  • Yes
    1100 votes
  • No
    558 votes