News Room

Donation Deadline Draws Near

There is still time to give and save money: mark your calendar for February 28.  That is the deadline date to make cash, cheque, money order donations  to your favorite charity and claim the deduction on your 2024 tax return.

Just How Tax Efficient Will Your Retirement Be?

A recent Globe and Mail article cites a Royal Bank report in which 46% of Canadians over 55 felt they weren’t saving enough for retirement. Worse still, 31% of Canadians hadn’t started saving for retirement yet. This is an opportunity that tax and financial advisors can help with. Tax refunds coming back now can be a great trigger for the question: how tax efficient will your retirement income be?

Life Purpose

“Be curious. Enjoy the process. Marvel at life and its richness as you go along.” — Dr. Susan Biali, M.D.

Recent Study Shows That Rate Hike Would Hurt Canadian Home-owners

How cash-strapped are your clients, really? Tax and financial advisors need to make that question a priority to really help younger clients before times get tougher for some. The Canadian Press, for example, recently reported about a survey by Manulife in which they found that “nearly three quarters of Canadian homeowners…would have difficulty paying their mortgage if their payments were to increase by more than 10 per cent.”

The Spring DAW Sessions Off to a Great Start on the West Coast

"Best DAW yet!" The spring Distinguished Advisor Workshops (DAW) started this week in Vancouver to great fanfare by our attendees. Here’s what some had to say:

DAC 2017: The Best Education and Networking Event of the Year!

Over the past fourteen years, the Distinguished Advisor Conference (DAC) has established its reputation as the most comprehensive and strategic educational conference available to tax and financial advisors. Experts and visionaries from all sides of the financial services industry offer their wisdom on how you can sharpen strategic and technical skills required to best serve your clients in this time of significant change.

People in the News

Laramie Tan-Amit has gained confidence in her role as a Professional Tax Practitioner and Bookkeeper. “The designation has given me confidence and legitimacy as a practicing tax professional. Combined with my in-depth knowledge in accounting, I can better serve my clients thanks to the knowledge and skills I attained from the course.”
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view will the new U.S. tariffs affect your clients’ business and retirement plans?

  • Yes
    1100 votes
  • No
    558 votes