News Room

Donation Deadline Draws Near

There is still time to give and save money: mark your calendar for February 28.  That is the deadline date to make cash, cheque, money order donations  to your favorite charity and claim the deduction on your 2024 tax return.

TFSAs: A Tax-Free Gift from the Government

As we approach July 1 and the Canada 150 celebrations, most Canadians who were due to receive a tax refund for the 2016 tax year would have received the funds by now. Be sure to suggest to your clients that they give themselves a big Canada Day gift by using those funds to top up their TFSA.

Explore Canada, Attend DAC 2017!

In the months leading up to Canada’s sesquicentennial celebrations, Canadians have been encouraged to get out and explore our great country. And DAC 2017 presents the perfect opportunity for you to head west this November!

Life Purpose

“Just because you’re good at what you do doesn’t mean that people are going to want to be on a team with you.” – Marnie McBean

The “Best Ever” DAW Becomes the Cutting-Edge CE Summits!

This past spring, we were excited to receive some of the best reviews we’ve ever had for our series of Distinguished Advisor Workshops (DAW). As a result of your great feedback and suggestions, we’re shaking up the Distinguished Advisor Workshops to bring you the new CE Summits! Tell us what you think of our new colours and themes!

Summer School’s on and the Learning is Easy!

There has never been a better time to register for your summertime learning and add to your skillset!  But you’ll need to hurry and register by the Friday, June 30, at noon deadline to avoid the tuition increase on July 1. 

People in the News

Rebecca Ringwood loved her stress-free and fully-supported experience in the Basic Bookkeeping for Small Businesses course
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view will the new U.S. tariffs affect your clients’ business and retirement plans?

  • Yes
    1100 votes
  • No
    558 votes