News Room

Why Economic Growth is Job #1

It’s provincial budget season, with a federal election coming up soon. What should Finance Ministers in Canada be focusing on to try to meet the tariff winds head on and ensure the standards of living of Canadians going forward in a proactive way? The answer is to focus on economic growth. What is it, why is it important to consumers and voters and how do we measure that?

Canada Day Deadlines to Meet

OAS Rates Rise; Prescribed Rates Don’t.  That’s just some of the important news you’ll want to share before heading out for the July long weekend! Check out the Tax and Tax Training Milestone to mark on your summer calendar before you head off on your July holidays!    Seniors note – you’ll get a small raise. based on changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), OAS benefits will increase by 0.7% for the July to September 2024 quarter, for an increase of 2.8% over the past year, from July 2023 to July 2024. Happy Canada Day!

2024 Acuity Conference for Distinguished Advisors: Program Guide Unveiled!

We invite you to connect with Canada’s brightest and 16 of the most accomplished thought leaders in the tax, accounting and financial services industry at the 2024 Acuity Conference for Distinguished Advisors in Montreal November 10-12.  Join us to celebrate, meet and honour your peers from coast-to-coast at the Knowledge Bureau Awards Ceremony on November 10. Check out the detailed online conference agenda designed to help you discover new ways to lead with impactful guidance.

Become a Designated Professional & Earn Cycle 10 CIRO Credits!

Did you know that Cycle 10 CIRO (previously IIROC) credits now available from Knowledge Bureau?Check out these courses especially for designated professionals: take the Real Wealth Management™ Program or the MFA-P™ Philanthropy Services Specialist and for a limited time, you can enrol and save 15% on tuition. Register by June 30 and take advantage of these offers, and start your online studies anytime!

Important Deadline for KB VIP Graduates: June 30

If you’re a Knowledge Bureau VIP Grad or Designate, the upcoming June 30 deadline is coming up and there are a few reminders to help you get the most out of your VIP experience with Knowledge Bureau. Don’t miss this opportunity to reactivate your VIP Benefits, including $100 off your next enrolments for grads, and $200 for Designates and FDFS™. Plus, for Designates now is the time to relicense the use of your designation marks by submitting your attestation to your standards of conduct. Check out the details below:

Adjusting Tax Returns: Control the Amount of Tax You Pay

It’s officially post tax season.  As of June 17, CRA had received 30,908,149 tax returns and the average tax refund was $2200; the average taxes due were $7400.  Now is the time to pay up, invest tax refunds wisely and adjust errors and omissions that may have occurred in your filings.  But as important - get ready for the annual tax audit season.  CRA can and will reassess tax returns for a variety of reasons.  Follow this post tax season tip sheet to manage the tax erosion CRA changes can bring:

Reduced Child Care Fees: Tax Consequences & Social Impact

How has $10 a day child care impacted the ability for young families to build wealth?  The answer is found in an interesting report recently released by the federal government.  The new supports funded by both federal and provincial governments will also impact after-tax results.
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view, has CRA improved its services to clients and tax preparers this year?

  • Yes
    3 votes
  • No
    65 votes