News Room

Donation Deadline Draws Near

There is still time to give and save money: mark your calendar for February 28.  That is the deadline date to make cash, cheque, money order donations  to your favorite charity and claim the deduction on your 2024 tax return.

Life Purpose

“The difference between the richest man and the poorest is but a day of hunger and hour of thirst.” —Kahlil Gibran

Addressing the Threat of Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services

What has more value: Artificial Intelligence or the advice humans give to their clients? The debate is on at the Distinguished Advisor Conference, November 5 - 8 in Kelowna.

Find Success Through In-Demand Job Opportunities: Start Your Tax Preparation Career

Looking for a career-building “back-to-school” project? Knowledge Bureau has developed a new introductory tax course

Win Your Way to the Distinguished Advisor Conference: a $2,000 Value!

It’s your last chance to participate in Knowledge Bureau’s trivia contest,

People in the News

Darren Ryan, an insurance and financial services professional in St. John’s, NL, shares his thoughts about attending last year’s Distinguished Advisor Conference

Knowledge Bureau Comments on Proposed Changes to the VDP

CRA is proposing changes to its Voluntary Disclosure Program (VDP). In response, Knowledge Bureau submitted the following comments for government review in advance of the August 8, 2017, consultation deadline: 
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view will the new U.S. tariffs affect your clients’ business and retirement plans?

  • Yes
    1100 votes
  • No
    558 votes