News Room

Foreign Currencies Gains and Losses

As we all know, it’s been a roller coaster week in tariff news. The Canadian dollar started to sink, although not to its lowest historical level-yet. The 30 day pause in implementation of the U.S. tariffs has provided a wake up call: What effect will such a Black Swan event have on portfolios and, by extension, retirement plans?

Tuition Rebate Programs Diminishing: What Can You Claim?

Use them before you lose them! That’s the message for parents and post-secondary education students filing 2017 tax returns who are looking for provincial tuition fee rebate programs to reduce student expenses. This is especially so, since the federal education and textbook credits have been cancelled. But the tuition rebate programs are diminishing, too.

CRA Carrying Charges: What’s Not Deductible?

In Part 3 of this series on deductible investment expenses, we discuss costs that are not deductible – a mystery and a surprise to some taxpayers during a tax audit. Here’s more essential information to keep you out of hot water.

Gender Wage Gaps: Women Make Big Strides in Accounting

In the accounting and finance industry, a lot has changed since the 1950s. Today this field is of particular appeal to women, as they now make up a widening majority (58 Percent) of its workforce. Earnings for women have also doubled, making this an excellent career choice. 

Retirement Planning: Avoiding OAS Clawbacks

Are retired Canadians turning to you for help when they’ve been subjected to Old Age Security clawbacks? If you are a professional in the tax and financial services industry, its your job to provide valuable advice to pre-retirees on this complex issue, and help them avoid the Pension Recovery Tax that could take a chunk out of their retirement income.

Tax Tip: What You Need to File an Audit-Proof Return

The clock is ticking! Do you have everything you need to file your taxes before the April 30 deadline? Rushing through the tax preparation process can cause you to miss important steps, putting you at risk of an audit. This is your guide to the basics, and Knowledge Bureau’s Tax Documentation Checklist will take you the rest of the way in preparing an audit-proof return. Be sure to contact us for your copy, or click on the link provided!

Breaking News: Ontario 2018 Budget Released

On March 28, 2018 Ontario released what has been widely considered to be a “Pre-Election Budget”. Aside from large spending increases, it features changes to Ontario’s tax rate structure, which so far have received little fanfare. Seven tax brackets result in personal tax increases for almost two million people; in addition, 20,000 private businesses will pay at least $2,400 more in health taxes.
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view will the new U.S. tariffs affect your clients’ business and retirement plans?

  • Yes
    19 votes
  • No
    4 votes