News Room

Foreign Currencies Gains and Losses

As we all know, it’s been a roller coaster week in tariff news. The Canadian dollar started to sink, although not to its lowest historical level-yet. The 30 day pause in implementation of the U.S. tariffs has provided a wake up call: What effect will such a Black Swan event have on portfolios and, by extension, retirement plans?

CE Summit Delegates in the News: Ruth Horst

Ruth Horst from Hamilton, Ontario specializes in personal income tax filing and, as the early-bird registration deadline for this year’s CE Summit personal income tax update draws near, she shares how these workshops have provided important benefits to her role.

New and Available in January! Defusing the Family Business Time Bomb

A new book by Jenifer Bartman and Evelyn Jacks will be released next week by Knowledge Bureau. It addresses a common family secret that plagues millions of Canadians from coast to coast: what to do with the family business time bomb at a time when boomers are contemplating retirement.

Giving Back in 2019? Consider Donor-Advised Funds

The desire to make a difference is gaining momentum with people of all ages, as individuals see their personal wealth not only as a means to live well, but also as a way to contribute have social impact or create a meaningful legacy. Advisors need to be able to help philanthropic-minded clients convert their wealth into some form of social capital. One option: Donor-Advised funds (DAFs).

Breaking News: Canada Officially Introduces Climate Action Incentive Payments

On December 13, the second Budget Implementation Act was granted Royal Assent by the House of Commons*, thus giving the green light for Climate Action Incentive payments to offset new carbon taxation programs coming into effect April 1, 2019.

Get Ready for 2019: Six Great Tax Moves and Audit-Busters

Gift the gift of knowledge throughout 2019! Make increasing your clients’ tax literacy your 2019 new year’s resolution, and share these essential tax moves and audit-busters that will help them in their dealings with the CRA next year.

Ranking Canada’s Tax System: Compliance Burden Not So Bad?

It takes 131 hours per year for the average small business to comply with CRA demands, but that’s actually not that bad, comparatively speaking, according to some recent reporting.
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view will the new U.S. tariffs affect your clients’ business and retirement plans?

  • Yes
    18 votes
  • No
    4 votes